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Collide problems with tilemaps and arcade? on 2.0.1


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Same thing here, trying to collide between a sprite and a tileSprite like the example here: http://examples.phaser.io/_site/view_full.html?d=tile%20sprites&f=colliding+with+tiling+sprite.js&t=colliding%20with%20tiling%20sprite


But it just passes through. I tried 2.0.1 but it moved the ground to the top although the code is as follows:

game.add.tileSprite(0, game.world.height - 128, 1024, 128, 'ground');

You can view the problem with 2.0.1 and the wrong collision here: http://netgfx.com/trunk/games/nevermore/


Post here also if someone finds out what is wrong. Thanks!

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justuk: Try settings the this.game.physics.arcade.TILE_BIAS to your tilesize. For instance this.game.physics.arcade.TILE_BIAS = 32 with 32x32 tiles.  That helped with my game's tunneling issues. You might have to fiddle with the value a bit to get correct collisions and cancel all the tunneling issues. I'm still not sure how this value exactly works... might have to take a look at the source code at some point ;)


Hope this helps!

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