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Problem mesh animation with a keyboard event


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Hi gentlemen!  :)


I need your help again!


I would like play a mesh's animation with keyboard event. (I precise that the mesh is imported from Blender...)


If I press my keyboard touch one time, I have this :



You can see that my (bad) animation is correctly played... It's cool)


But if I press in continue the touch, I have this : 



You can see here that the animation is "stopped" and restart if I push off the touch (the touche is push off when the mouse cursor move on the seconde .gif)


So  you understand my problem! If I want translate a mesh and animate it in the same time (like to make a walk animation for example) I must repair this bug!  <_<


I use the window.addEventListener('keydown') and ('keyup') to manage keyboard. 


Here a example code :

// On push on a touch...window.addEventListener('keydown',function(event){if (event.keyCode == codeToucheAvance){     scene.beginAnimation(skeleton[0],80,100);     // Add true change nothing...}});// On push off a touch...window.addEventListener('keyup',function(event){if (event.keyCode == codeToucheAvance){     scene.stopAnimation();//This line in comment change nothing... }});

The animation begin in the keydown event because in the scene.registerBeforerender(), the animation plays only when I push off the keyboard touch...


Thanks you for your help!



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var animationStated = false;

function startAnimation() {

if (!animationStarted) {

animationStarted = true;




Then run the function when you press the button and when the button is up set 'animationStarted' to 'false' there.
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The solution is good in part Artem! (and don't worry, I saw the missing "r"  ;)


Now I would like this animation plays in continu while I press the key...


I add the parameter "true" in "scene.beginAnimation(skeleton[0],80,100,true)" but if the button is up, the animation continue to plays...



So I look to create a new function like yours, call "duringAnimation" for example and which reload the animation if it finished...


In your opinion, it's a good way or not?



Thanks your for your help!

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You're welcome. I don't know, but I think anything is good enough if it works as you want in result :)

I'm a noob to programming, so I just tried to help and give an idea of how to do it (since I used quite the same logic for my own game).

I'd love to see how your thing will turn out.

Good luck, Zino54220! :)

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So gentlement! 


I complete my post!


Thanks to Artem, the main problem (which was stay with the key pressed blocked the skeleton-animation) is resolved and to make a animation in continu (like to make a walk animation with an armature for an example...), I went in bad and complicate solution... <_<


And with this (very good) documentation :





I realised that I can simply make this :

// In the 'keydown' AddEventListener...if(!animationStarted){  scene.beginAnimation(skeletons[0], 45, 60,true,1.0,function(){animationStarted = false;});  animationStarted = true;}// In the 'keyup' AddEventListener...scene.stopAnimation(skeletons[0]);                                                     animationStarted = false;

And I have a little result like this :




(Of course it's a test :P )



If I press the key in continu, the skeleton animation plays normaly from the beginning at the end and if I press the key many times, the skeleton animation do again from the beginning (like you can see in the middle of the gif's animation when I made many press on the key)  :) !


So thanks you Artem and believe in your project gentlemen!



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