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ArcRotateCamera target animation after tab switch


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I have animation of camera target (works only if some other property like alpha is animated at the same time)  PG. If I switch tabs and wait a bit and come back to playground, alpha animation jumps to last frame as expected but target is moved to correct position but focus of camera stacks at last target positon before tab swicth.

probably related to the same issue described here:


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I was working this issue, too (I used beforeRender).  I thought maybe camera.update() in renderLoop would work, but no.

Strange issue.

I made a version 4, too.  When in 3.0, it works one way.  In 2.5, it acts differently... animating the camera itself as the target travels.

hmm.  No mention of any ArcCam stuff in What's New list.  Anyone know how to search github source for ALL changes to arcCam since 2.5 release? 

I see a panning inertia change (probably not pertinent), but I'm not good-at github power searching.  Could be more changes since 2.5.  Besides, 2.5 version of this playground... is not acting correct, either.  Camera should not translate (truck-left), I think.  Only pan.

Help welcome, as always.

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