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[Phaser] Brickety Split


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My first HTML5 game, made in Phaser, has been entered in the clay.io "Got Game?" contest for student game developers. If you play it and take the time to leave a rating or review, you directly help my chances of winning, so please play it and rate if you enjoy.


Brickety Split





The game is about building the tallest wall you can by avoiding bricks that fall from the sky as enemies attempt to trap you.


I wrote a detailed post-mortem of my development process. You can read it on my website: http://nathanielnelson.com/brickety-split-release-post-mortem/


And if you have any feedback, please share it. I'm still updating the game and adding suggestions (within reason).

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A long time ago, Data East made an arcade game called Bad Dudes, where holding up and punching was totally useless, as you could never hit anyone that way.


Based on that, a suggestion regarding gameplay: I think the jumping is kinda useless and you could have dropped it in favor for auto-jumping while moving left and right while simplifying gameplay and increasing control on phones/tablets as well. I'm not sure you can actually jump over a "friend" and such, that would make good use of jump not being automatic and would totally deprecate my suggestion (unless gameplay would be tweaked to not allow jumping over "friends" ofc).

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So, I actually considered handling jumping as you suggested. However, to make the "friends" more difficult the player's jump isn't actually strong enough to clear one of them without having the high ground already. So the player needs to be able to fully control their jump, mostly for purpose of avoiding the enemies.

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