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  1. Hello Phaser friends!, So i'm studying game dev and we only program in AS3 with Flash Develop, so i'm used to an IDE that auto completes everything and helps a lot. Now i downloaded Phaser, Sublime Text 2 and i'm ready to code. I need to know the main differences, for example. how do you extend a class, i'm used to make something like (sorry, it's long) So, i would really appreciate if you can stand out the main points!, i know it's an entire language and framework so i will try to follow more tutorials, but if you can explain the main differences i would really love it. Thanks! package game { import api.CAnim; import api.CBulletManager; import api.CEnemyManager; import api.CGame; import api.CGameObject; import api.CGenericEnemy; import api.CHelper; import api.CKeyPoll; import api.CMath; import api.CMouse; import flash.automation.MouseAutomationAction; import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.events.KeyboardEvent; import flash.ui.Keyboard; import game.states.CLevelState; import game.states.CLoseState; public class CPlayer extends CGameObject { private var mMC:MovieClip; private var mState:int; private const STATE_STAND:int = 0; private const STATE_FREEZE:int = 2; private const STATE_JUMP_DYING:int = 3; // Lleva el tiempo del estado. En frames. private var mTimeState:int; private var mYFloor:int; private var mAnim:CAnim; private const WALK_SPEED:int = 10; private var mAngle:int = 0; private const ANG_SPEED:int = 5; private const SPEED_BULLET:int = 15; private const MAX_SPEED_SHIP:int = 5; private const INC_SPEED_SHIP:Number = 0.1; private var mSpeed:Number = 0.0; private const FRICTION:Number = 0.95; private const ACCELERATION:Number = 0.03; private var mAccel:Number = 0.0; private const MAX_ACCELERATION:Number = 0.5; public function CPlayer(aRadius:int) { setRadius(aRadius); mMC = new CAssets.SHIP as MovieClip; CGame.inst().getStage().addChild(mMC); mYFloor = 600 - aRadius; mAnim = new CAnim(); setX(400); setY(600 - 40); setFriction(FRICTION); setState(STATE_STAND); } override public function update():void { var enemy:CGenericEnemy; super.update(); mTimeState++; mAnim.update(); if (mState == STATE_STAND) { if (CKeyPoll.firstPress(CKeyPoll.SPACE) || CMouse.firstPress()) { fire(); } // MOUSE //lookAt(CMouse.getMouseX(), CMouse.getMouseY()); // TECLADO if (CKeyPoll.pressed(CKeyPoll.LEFT)) { setAngle(mAngle - ANG_SPEED); } else if (CKeyPoll.pressed(CKeyPoll.RIGHT)) { setAngle(mAngle + ANG_SPEED); } if (CKeyPoll.pressed(CKeyPoll.UP)) { mAccel += ACCELERATION; if (mAccel > MAX_ACCELERATION) { mAccel = MAX_ACCELERATION; } } else { mAccel = 0; } setAccelX(mAccel * Math.cos(CMath.degToRad(mAngle))); setAccelY(mAccel * Math.sin(CMath.degToRad(mAngle))); if (getY() < getRadius()) { setY(getRadius()); setVelY(0); } // Control de borde abajo. if (getY() > mYFloor) { setY(mYFloor); setVelY(0); } enemy = CEnemyManager.inst().collides(this) as CGenericEnemy; if (enemy != null) { hitByEnemy(); // TODO: Matar el enemigo. } } else if (mState == STATE_FREEZE) { if (mTimeState > 30) { setState(STATE_JUMP_DYING); } } else if (mState == STATE_JUMP_DYING) { setAngle(mAngle + 20); if (mTimeState > 60) { setState(STATE_STAND); //setDead(true); } } } override public function render():void { super.render(); mMC.gotoAndStop(mAnim.getCurrentFrame()); mMC.rotation = mAngle; mMC.x = getX(); mMC.y = getY(); } // Funcion invocada cuando un enemigo nos toca. public function hitByEnemy():void { if (mState == STATE_STAND /*|| mState == STATE_WALKING*/) { setState(STATE_FREEZE); } } private function setState(aState:int):void { mState = aState; mTimeState = 0; if (mState == STATE_STAND) { mAnim.init(1, 1, 0); setAngle(0); setX(400); setY(300); setVelX(0); setVelY(0); setAccelX(0); setAccelY(0); } else if (mState == STATE_FREEZE) { mAnim.init(14, 14, 0); setAngle(0); setVelX(0); setVelY(0); setAccelX(0); setAccelY(0); } else if (mState == STATE_JUMP_DYING) { mAnim.init(14, 14, 0); setAngle(0); setVelX(0); setVelY(-10); setAccelX(0); setAccelY(1); } } public function fire():void { var b:CPlayerBullet = new CPlayerBullet(0x000000, 10); b.setX( getX() + getRadius() * Math.cos(CMath.degToRad(mAngle))); b.setY( getY() + getRadius() * Math.sin(CMath.degToRad(mAngle))); b.setVelX( SPEED_BULLET * Math.cos(CMath.degToRad(mAngle))); b.setVelY( SPEED_BULLET * Math.sin(CMath.degToRad(mAngle))); b.setAccelX(0); b.setAccelY(0); b.render(); CBulletManager.inst().add(; } override public function destroy():void { super.destroy(); CHelper.removeDisplayObject(mMC); mMC = null; mAnim.destroy(); mAnim = null; } private function setAngle(aAngle:Number):void { mAngle = CMath.clampDeg(aAngle); } private function getAngle():Number { return mAngle; } private function lookAt(aX:Number, aY:Number):void { var y:Number = CMouse.getMouseY() - getY(); // cat. op. var x:Number = CMouse.getMouseX() - getX(); // cat. ady. setAngle(CMath.radToDeg(Math.atan2(y, x))); } }}
  2. Hi! I have this error... Cannot read property 'worldTransform' of null Any idea?
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