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  1. I've started writing a generator for Phaser 3 typescript definitions using Richard's JSDoc annotations. If anyone is interested in helping: https://github.com/troyedwardsjr/phaser3-tsd
  2. Hello guys, I just recently started to play with Phaser and so far I'm loving it.. However as I'm not used to it, I run into wall.. I'm creating a breakout game where I want different bricks to respond to ball hitting them differently.. Mostly I want to add bricks a health so to speak, so depending on the color of the brick, it will take 1,2,3.. etc ball hits to kill it.. I'm so far doing this in this fashion: // Red bricks bricks_1 = game.add.group(); bricks_1.enableBody = true; bricks_1.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.ARCADE; // Yellow bricks bricks_2 = game.add.group(); bricks_2.enableBody = true; bricks_2.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.ARCADE; // Gray bricks bricks_3 = game.add.group(); bricks_3.enableBody = true; bricks_3.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.ARCADE; // Green bricks bricks_4 = game.add.group(); bricks_4.enableBody = true; bricks_4.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.ARCADE;So, I'm creating a group for each of the type of the possible bricks.. Then as I randomly create a level, I do this: function randomLevel(){ var brick; for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 6; j++) { var rand = game.rnd.integerInRange(1, 4); switch(rand) { case 1: brick = bricks_1.create(75 + (i*80), 55 + (j*40), 'brick_1'); brick.body.bounce.set(1); brick.body.immovable = true; break; case 2: brick = bricks_2.create(75 + (i*80), 55 + (j*40), 'brick_2'); brick.body.bounce.set(1); brick.body.immovable = true; break; case 3: brick = bricks_3.create(75 + (i*80), 55 + (j*40), 'brick_3'); brick.body.bounce.set(1); brick.body.immovable = true; break; case 4: brick = bricks_4.create(75 + (i*80), 55 + (j*40), 'brick_4'); brick.body.bounce.set(1); brick.body.immovable = true; break; } } }}And then I have 4 onHit functions (which I don't really like, would prefer a single one with some switch statement in there) where depending on what type of brick has been hit, it can play ie different sound for example.. game.physics.arcade.collide(ball, bricks_1, ballHitBrick_1, null, this); game.physics.arcade.collide(ball, bricks_2, ballHitBrick_2, null, this); game.physics.arcade.collide(ball, bricks_3, ballHitBrick_3, null, this); game.physics.arcade.collide(ball, bricks_4, ballHitBrick_4, null, this);This is example of one of the onHit functions (I basically used example of breakout a lot): function ballHitBrick_1(_ball, _brick) { _brick.kill(); hit_fx.play(); score += 10; scoreText.text = 'Score: ' + score; // Are they any bricks left? if (bricks_1.countLiving() == 0 && bricks_2.countLiving() == 0 && bricks_4.countLiving() == 0) { // New level starts scoreText.text = 'Score: ' + score; introText.text = '- Next Level -'; // Let's move the ball back to the paddle ballOnPaddle = true; ball.body.velocity.set(0); ball.x = paddle.x + 16; ball.y = paddle.y - 16; ball.animations.stop(); // And bring the bricks back from the dead randomLevel(); }}And this all works well, ie I can play different sounds based on what brick has been hit.. However what do I need to do to add health to these bricks? So for example, bricks_1 bricks die only after 1 shot, while bricks_3 don't die ever (think of like concrete/metal/blocking bricks).. Thanks a ton!
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