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Gameleon - "Wordpress" for browsergames


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Hey guys,


Vlad from Gameleon here. Thought I might pop in and clarify a few things!


We have an HTML5 game building platform, built around MMORPG's at its core. It's 100% visual, it's pretty complex and flexible and perhaps most importantly, it's open source. It's made up of a cloud game editor and the realm that hosts games. Games are edited in the cloud on any hmtl5-enabled device then published (pushed) onto the realm to be played. It's like Wordpress for games, or Visual Studio for game making. It can be used as it is to create games as complex as Diablo 2 or World of Warcraft (the first game we made with it, BugTopia, was in itself an ambitious MMO that we wanted to include all the features of big MMO's like WoW into, and succeeded) by itself, or used as a launch platform to develop and code on top on.


For a novice developer or an aspiring game creator, Gameleon will provide a really flexible and user friendly means to rapidly generate a working game prototype and then a finished game. For experienced developers, it's really an acceleration tool, a method of rapid iterations that the developer can build on. Because our game realm is open source and based on open standards, experienced developers can then build on this framework and write new functionality, extend its capabilities to new heights and truly make the game their own.


There's a reason the Diablo 2 demo isn't live: it's a legal matter, unfortunately. We can't have the content live and playable (we did for a few days), so our compromise is the video.


Indeed, the editor works by taking "background images" as maps and building the game on top of them. It's the same way we built the Diablo 2 remake, and it's how we intended the design process to be: simple enough for everyone to simply drag and drop stuff on top. We think that maybe the next big thing, the next good game is inside the mind of someone who can’t write code - hopefully, the visual nature of Gameleon will help him make that idea a reality. 


We also believe in the collaborative spirit of today's Internet. We live in an increasingly crowd-sourced world. Not only that, we're getting tools, software that allow people to make their own websites with zero experience, make music without instruments, shoot films without crews, and publish short films on communities such as youtube instead of paying for screening. Many environments of artistic expression have become more accessible to an ever-increasing audience of aspiring creators clamoring for new means of expression. We believe game making can also move on from the world where only big companies with big money make most of the games we consume, and to a world where more and more consumers get to dictate and create content independently - where gamers start having their say in what the play.


That's why Gameleon will also feature an Asset Market - a place for users to upload created content, from skins to animations, sounds and snippets of code and sell or give them away for free. That way, we're hoping game creators won't be hurdled by lacking models or sounds for their games, and that artists and engineers will find an outlet to trade their work and see it come alive in a game that's the result of a collaborative effort.


We’re programmers, developers, gamers and game-makers ourselves: we see a world of open-source enthusiasts, 3d artists, technical or nontechnical creative people that can come together to create inspiring things for everyone to enjoy.


That being said - if you have any questions, I'm looking forward to answering them!

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Is there any way you could make a demo with your own assets, that we're actually allowed to try?


The whole thing sounds pretty good, but only if it actually works :)  Seeing what you can do with it, and trying a finished product on different devices is kind of essential imo.

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I really don't like the idea of just having a big background image and draw some paths on it. This will need the players to download HUGE images to play a game. How are you getting around the point that images have a size limit on some mobile browsers?

Or do you enable a map to be made of multiple background images? If so: am I supposed to create my map in photoshop, then slice it and upload the slices?

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I remember seeing this in development a few months ago, seemed like the biggest selling point was real-time collaborative development iirc.  As in rather than using source control and merging/sharing, it's as if multiple people have the same file open and are working on it together.  Seems like a pretty awesome idea, but as many point out, it's lacking in other areas.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys,

Don’t know if you know about Gameleon already or not, but it’s a cloud game creating platform for making HMTL5 MMO’s. More recently, and more interestingly for you guys, we’ve developed a feature that allows you to import World of Warcraft 3d models and use them in your own games!


But this is not the cool bit I’m trying to get at: we’ve just recently developed GIF support: just drag and drop GIFs into the Skin Editor tool to instantly create isometric animated models and skins to use immediately in your game.

To showcase this feature, we’ve used World of Warcraft as a source of models – and this is where a WoW modding community would probably get excited. You can export, using WoW Model Viewer, animated GIFs of any model in the game and use them directly to make your own games, mockups, mini-games etc. Read more about it here: http://www.gameleon.co/platform/cloud-game-editor/introducing-world-of-warcraft-model-and-gif-importing-in-gameleon


We’d love to hear what you think about this, and Gameleon in general.

Also, we’ve been thinking of implementing a method that directly imports your character from the WoW Armory, for either playing as that character or as a model to use in your own games made with Gameleon. What do you guys think about that?

Edited by Chris
Moved from new Gameleon topic to keep everything together
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