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Animation working when he want


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I use phaser 2.6.1.

I have created an animation. This work fine but sometimes this not starting. I dont know why.


In create() function i add animations for my spritesheet:

this.car = game.add.sprite(game.world.centerX,500, 'car');
this.car.animations.add('mover',[0,1,2,3],1000, true);
this.car.fixedToCamera = true;


When overlap i start the function for animate this

game.physics.arcade.overlap(this.car, this.borders, this.canMove, null, this);


This is my function

},canMove: function(car, objet){
	if(crash == 0){
		crash = 1;
			_this.car.frame = 0;
			crash = 0;


When the car overlap a border, this function is start.

The console.log() show but the animation suddenly not start. I can restart a lot of time my page, suddenly the animation not starting but the console.log() is show.


Thanks for your help


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Can you check the contents of "_this.car" using "console.log(_this.car)", and see if it's a valid object?

And, could you also post the code part where you initialize the "_this" variable? There may be some issue where it doesn't correctly point to the "this" object, so your code may not find the "car" object with the animations set up.

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Thanks all. I have found my issue.


The issue is because i have first initialized my car with :

this.car = game.add.sprite(game.world.centerX,500, 'car');
this.car.animations.add('mover',[0,1,2,3],1000, true);
this.car.fixedToCamera = true;
_this = this

After in my function i call directly my car with _this

I used _this because inside setTimeout(), this property is no equal of this of document

I dont know why but if i initialize first with this and after i call with _this this is not working fine. Also for resolve my issue i have starting with _this directly.

_this = this;
_this.car = game.add.sprite(game.world.centerX,500, 'car');
_this.car.animations.add('mover',[0,1,2,3],1000, true);
_this.car.fixedToCamera = true;
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