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I was posting this thread at the wrong place (it was in Phaser 2).

OK, I am having a very bad time with clickable objects. It works perfectly on desktop browser but when I run it on my Android mobile the hot spot is totally off. Please refer to the attached picture to have an idea what I am talking about.

The blue square is the clickable object (it's a .png picture). Tapping the object won't fire the input event but if I tap around the position where I draw the marquee it will. In other words, the clickable area is off of the picture.

I found this thread where the OP had a similar issue and mentioned that is could be related to the mobile devicePixelRatio when using Phaser.CANVAS but I couldn't establish a coherent relationship between the DPR and the displacement (otherwise it could be "compensated" with code).

I really cannot see how to solve this. I am about to give up Phaser and try a different engine. Any idea?


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21 hours ago, samme said:

This sounds like the same Android bug.


Hey samme, good morning!

I just made a quick test and it seems to have worked... The click spot area seems to be matching my pictures now.

I just hope to not have more weird "surprises" like that. I will make more tests later today as I have a bunch of spot areas like that one.

Thanks a lot for now, my friend!

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