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I just whipped up another quick example for Metrix.js this time it shows you how to build a controllable player on a randomly generated heightmap with first person controls. You can try out the example here 0.3 - First Person Controls on HeightMap heres what the random terrain in the example looks like(for the lazy) and heres the source, requires three.js( and Metrix.js( <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <script src="three.min.js"></script> <script src="Metrix0.3.js"></script> <script> var mouseLocked = false; var user,fpsControls; var terrainMap,terrainMesh; Metrix.WorldOptions.Gravity = 3; window.onload = function() { Metrix.Initialize(); }; Metrix.OnLoad = function() { var txt = new MUI.Element("span",document.body); txt.SetHTML("click anywhere to start");,10,0); user = new Metrix.Object(,{velocity: true, slope: {start: 0.3}, collisions: true, gravity: true, mass: 30, drag: 2, bounds: {aabb: new Metrix.AABB(null,new THREE.Vector3(0.5,2,0.5),0,-1,0)}});//Create Metrix.Object to control velocity, collisions and gravity of the player user.AddUpdateCallback(userUpdate); fpsControls = new Metrix.FirstPersonController(,1,1);//Add a first person controller to control yaw, pitch and look sensitivity terrainMap = new Metrix.HeightMap(new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0),1,Utils.GenerateHeightMap(1,20,-10,40,40,true));//Create a new height map thats randomly generated using Metrix.js's Utils.GenerateHeightMap(maxRandomClimb,maxHeight,minHeight,smooth,smoothingAmount) terrainMesh = terrainMap.GenerateMesh(new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({color: 0x20af30, specular: 0x202020, shininess: 20, ambient: 0x109f20}));//Generate a THREE.Mesh from the height map Metrix.AddHeightMap(terrainMap);//Add the terrain to the metrix world var sun = new THREE.SpotLight(0xfafafa,1.5,0,-2); sun.position.set(40,100,90); Metrix.scene.add(terrainMesh); Metrix.scene.add(new THREE.AmbientLight(0x303030)); Metrix.scene.add(sun); window.addEventListener("click",function() { if (!mouseLocked) { Metrix.LockMouse(mouseMove,mouseExit);//If mouse isnt locked and mouse clicked, lock mouse Metrix.AddObject(user);//Unpause be adding user back to the metrix world } mouseLocked = true; }); Metrix.Go();//Start Metrix.js game loop }; function userUpdate() { if (Metrix.Key[KEY_W]) {//If W key down, move forward user.MoveForward(1); } if (Metrix.Key[KEY_D]) {//If D key down, move right user.MoveRight(1); } if (Metrix.Key[KEY_S]) {//If S key down, move backward user.MoveForward(-1); } if (Metrix.Key[KEY_A]) {//If A key down, move left user.MoveRight(-1); } if (Metrix.Key[KEY_SPACE] && user.Grounded()) {//If SPACE key down and user is on ground, jump user.velocity.y = 35; } } function mouseMove(mX,mY) { fpsControls.Look(-mX,-mY);//Look around, mX = mouse movement x, mY = mouse movement y } function mouseExit() { mouseLocked = false; Metrix.RemoveObject(user);//Remove user to pause the game once mouse lock is cancelled } </script></head><body></body></html>
Heres the second tutorial for using Metrix.js along with Three.js, this tutorial explains the basics of how the Metrix.js entity system works and how to create objects/entities. In the tutorial you will learn how to create a Metrix.Object and a update callback to go with it to rotate the cube from our last tutorial. You can checkout the tutorial here And heres what you should have once you finish the tutorial
First tutorial of many on my game framework Metrix.js this is just the first so its simply on using it with Three.js to render a cube. The tutorial-