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Hi, I have tried to create the min version, I have followed this article: https://phaser.io/tutorials/creating-custom-phaser-builds

but, I have a problem. After command 'grunt custom ...', on dist directory I cannot found the min version. where I wrong?




p.s. I have the same result in windows and in Mac terminal.

this is the command:

grunt custom --exclude gamepad,keyboard,particles,tilemaps,p2,ninja,arcade,debug,sound,net,retrofont,bitmaptext,text,weapon


Building Phaser 2.6.2


Excluding modules:


* gamepad - Gamepad Input

* keyboard - Keyboard Input

* particles - Arcade Physics Particle System

* tilemaps - Tilemap Support

* p2 - P2 Physics

* ninja - Ninja Physics

* arcade - Arcade Physics

* debug - Debug Class

* sound - Sound Support (Web Audio and HTML Audio)

* net - Network Class

* retrofont - Retro Fonts Game Object

* bitmaptext - BitmapText Game Object

* text - Text Game Object (inc. Web Font Support)

* weapon - Arcade Physics Weapon Plugin


Packaging Globals ...


-> Creature


-> PIXI.Rope

-> PIXI.TileSprite


Building ...


Running "concat:custom" (concat) task

File dist/phaser.js created.


Done, without errors.


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