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[Phaser] RoboBattle - io Style Tiny Robot Action Game


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1) buttons for mobile control is unnecessary to show on desktop verion. check it by

if(game.device.desktop) hideButtons();

2) add more healths, for example 3 will be enough.

3) when the hero is killed - bad idea to change the screen to main menu. just add "auto-respawn".

How mobile version was made? by Cocoon wrapper?

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Definitely a good idea for a multiplayer game! How many players max will be in a single room?

I think, a small change to improve the feel would be to add a slight delay after the player has died for them to take in what happened and how they died. Sometimes it's a little abrupt.
And perhaps when the enemies appear, add a small animation or effect to show where they are going to appear, so if you are in the spawn location you have time to move.

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I just played this game for 10 minutes! It is great! The game is very very smooth, may I ask how you made it work on the back-end (or is that all in phaser.io, not very familiar with these frameworks!)?

I think some way to protect oneself would be nice, especially when there are a lot of people in the room. I can see a lifebar working well with this game (just a small life bar of 5 fractions floating over a character). Maybe killing an opponent gives a health? Just ideas :)

Here are a list of bugs I found:

1. When I kill somebody (in a room of 2), while being the top scorer, it duplicates my name to the second place as well (so 1 and 2 were both me). It disappears after so it is not crucial bug.

2. Randomly get killed by opponent spawning on top of me because of unluckiness. Killed my 60 high score. An easy fix is invincibility or more like ghost mode for 3 seconds when spawn (or better, calculate a place where there is no one).

3. Getting robot spawned in the corner and getting killed. Same fix with the ghost mode where I am invincible for 3 seconds but I can't kill others neither.

4. Instead of the controller on PC, you can just put the controls in the corner. I didn't know space was for shoot. Just me being picky and telling you what went through my head (thought the game was about collecting stuff).


Anyway great stuff! Really enjoyable and simple game!

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17 hours ago, BunBunBun said:

1) buttons for mobile control is unnecessary to show on desktop verion. check it by

if(game.device.desktop) hideButtons();

2) add more healths, for example 3 will be enough.

3) when the hero is killed - bad idea to change the screen to main menu. just add "auto-respawn".

How mobile version was made? by Cocoon wrapper?


Thank you BunBunBun :)

I applied (1), though I had to use Phaser.Device.desktop instead of game.device.desktop.

I agree with (2)! but I am not sure that I will be able to gracefully connect current version of this game with the new version with health bars. or.. It might be separated as RoboBattle 2?

As for the Android version, I made a simple app only with one webview and loaded my game scripts in asset folder. 

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13 hours ago, Umz said:

Definitely a good idea for a multiplayer game! How many players max will be in a single room?

I think, a small change to improve the feel would be to add a slight delay after the player has died for them to take in what happened and how they died. Sometimes it's a little abrupt.
And perhaps when the enemies appear, add a small animation or effect to show where they are going to appear, so if you are in the spawn location you have time to move.


Thanks Umz!

This game is not providing separated rooms so far. Since I am using firebase for the server side, any numbers of players technically can join in this game.

Your second point is brilliant. I will think about the effect for spawning alert. :)

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38 minutes ago, davsgon said:

I just played this game for 10 minutes! It is great! The game is very very smooth, may I ask how you made it work on the back-end (or is that all in phaser.io, not very familiar with these frameworks!)?

I think some way to protect oneself would be nice, especially when there are a lot of people in the room. I can see a lifebar working well with this game (just a small life bar of 5 fractions floating over a character). Maybe killing an opponent gives a health? Just ideas :)

Here are a list of bugs I found:

1. When I kill somebody (in a room of 2), while being the top scorer, it duplicates my name to the second place as well (so 1 and 2 were both me). It disappears after so it is not crucial bug.

2. Randomly get killed by opponent spawning on top of me because of unluckiness. Killed my 60 high score. An easy fix is invincibility or more like ghost mode for 3 seconds when spawn (or better, calculate a place where there is no one).

3. Getting robot spawned in the corner and getting killed. Same fix with the ghost mode where I am invincible for 3 seconds but I can't kill others neither.

4. Instead of the controller on PC, you can just put the controls in the corner. I didn't know space was for shoot. Just me being picky and telling you what went through my head (thought the game was about collecting stuff).


Anyway great stuff! Really enjoyable and simple game!


Thank you davsgon. I am happy to hear that you enjoyed my game! 

I implemented everything on the client side in phaser.io, and used firebase for the back-end. However, firebase is just providing real-time database, and clients directly update their own information (location of robots and bullets) on the server. A client modifies its location, firebase fires child_changed event to all users in real time.

I agree with your idea about life bar and other issues. I will definitely add life bar and more delicate features like you said in my game soon, but like I said to BunBunBun, the new version might have to be separated as RoboBattle 2.

Thank you so much! :)

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