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Babylon.js v3.2 is out


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It's celebration time!

I'm so thrilled to announce that Babylon.js v3.2 is now out. Once again this could not have being possible without all of you (contributors, testers, bug hunters, doc writers)!

Thanks folks! We have a wonderful vibrant community. So feel proud, share it, love it, use it :)

Here is the release notes: http://doc.babylonjs.com/whats-new

The blog will it the social network at 10am PST!

And the announcement video:


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Babylon Toolkit 3.2 is out too :)

Note: Some System Are Still Under Construction:

1... Animation State Machine

2... Shuriken Particle System

3... Terrain Builder System

4... Level Of Detail System

5... Navigation Mesh System

All the rest of the toolkit should be working smoothly. 

Including my sweet Built-In Local Multiplayer Support and Microsoft Xbox Live Development Tool Chain


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Mind explaining more about texture atlas?  My concept of a texture atlas was for draw call reduction by baking many meshes with different materials into 4k textures.  I realize that entails doing a lot more during export.  Is reuse of bindings a large proportion of a draw call?

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One of the best things for me in developing the toolkit, is i had to everything i can about the internals of MESHES, SUBMESHES, NORMALS, UVS, ETC...

Also if you look at the toolkit i REALLY get into pixel encoding. 8,bit, 16bit, RAW, LDR(png-jpeg), HDR, EXR, DDS... I have tools in the toolkit to natively handle all that stuff without the need for any extra and costly third party software.

One of the Art Tool type features it Texture Atlas for combining mutiple textures into 1 large texture (4K MAX) . For both static and skinned meshes.

For Skinned Meshes: Unity Menu->Babylon->Texture Atlas Skin will let you take a character with many materials (Upper Body, Lower Body, Cloths, Etc) into 1 texture.

I support MainTexture, Normal Texture (Diffuse Model), Ambient Occlusion Texture, Metallic Texture and Specular GlossMap texture (PBR Model)

I basically merge all the textures into an atlas retrieiving the normalized rectangle coordinates for that image in the atlas and iterate all the submeshes that make up a mesh a re-encode the mesh.uvs....

Again.... once you get to working with stuff to make the toolkit... A mesh is a mesh is a mesh, a pixel is a pixel is pixel... You can encode those pixels seven ways from sunday (which i do everywhere, like splatmaps, lightmaps, etc) and do whatever you what.

So i also created a Babylon Static Mesh Layer that automatically combines static scene geometry by material. You can also use the Unity Menu->Geometry Tools to pre-bake (combine) static scene geomtry with the option to encode all the materials into texture atlases :)

I will try explain in the Docs :)

Note: I might need someone to help me and really make good docs (i suck at that part). I will be happy to work closely with whoever would like to help out and make the Docs Better for the Babylon Toolkit :)


Also... Check out the Cubemap Baking Tools.... I create a PLugin system for cmft so you bake Direct Draw Surface skyboxes and reflection textures right from the toolkit (including creating materials for the newly created skybox)... So you can Pre-Bake your environments with 1 button click :)


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@JCPalmer in this case the atlas is used to keep a map of the current texture in memory in order to dynamically update the shader pointers to avoid moving textures. in the past the shader were kept unchanged and textures were swapped to adapt. This was an expensive operation (but easier to implement). The goal of this feature was to boost rendering by leveraging texture cache (and perhaps the name was badly chosen as usual :))

@MackeyK24 Congrats my friend! huge achievement as well!

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So this texture atlas is only for the framework internal use.

I was hoping it is intended for user's use cases. As you know if we open too many texture files (png or jpg), this will create texture collisions which in theory will increase draw calls.
Combining those texture files into a single atlas file is supposed to reduce the texture collision (and draw calls subsequently).

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Nope... the only things that require my managed scene component framework is anything that has ro do with script components and custom shaders.

I try to natively serialize as much as possible into the raw babylon json scene file. So should be to check out plain scene files with no logic on the sandbox

There is even an option to exclude all metadata and you will have just raw babylon json scene file.... with no extra toolkit stuff at all... but you only get basic export features then.

As far as texture atlas... all you need is the meshes in the babylon scene and any supporting textures... or any other assets like sounds.

You only need all the manager.js and other studf when using my toolkit for full game development... especially the xbox live stuff

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