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Found 6 results

  1. What softwares do you use, or know to be used, for fast prototyping? What do you find limiting about them and why are them better than others? By 'softwares' I also mean web apps and libraries.
  2. First of all Is it called "module" or "library" if it extends pixi.js' functionality? How to use them with Typescript? I'm not totally new to typescript but aren't pro w/ it at all. I added pixi.js and the typings via npm (and successfully use npm-modules and their @types in typescript for the server of this project) But when it comes to pixi.js modules things get weird, it's not enough to add them via npm and adding import * as Stuff from 'pixi-module' which makes sense, because afaik they extend the PIXI namespaces. So I tried adding this reference thing /// <reference path="../node_modules/pixi-module/stuff.d.ts"> but even that did only work half-way. Hard to explain but it was like adding the Apples to PIXI, but not the AppleTree, if I may explain it this way. Even with `require('pixi-module')` Even stranger: VSCode finds the module and even suggests it when writing an import statement. But after auto-completing it, it tells me the module is not found. (The webpack run tells me so, too.) Tried it with @ivan.popelyshev pixi-projection, failed half-way and tried it again with pixi-particles. None of them did work as expected in the end. Wat? To conclude this: How to add modules after `npm install pixi-module` in my Typescript code, where I did `import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js'` Thanks <3
  3. Hey! I've decided to build a simple 2D framework for building multiplayer/MMO games (similar scope to Agar.io), I have significant experience in building multiplayer engines for windows/linux but I have never touched web. If you have any advice on libraries and development technologies, or general advice, I would greatly appreciate it. My current tech stack (if you think this is naive feel free to call me out, as I am indeed naive.): Language: Typescript Client Platform: Browser IDE: VS2017 Rendering: Pixi.js Physics: Box2D or similar Level Editor: Tiled or similar Animation: Spline Server Platform: Linux VM via google or aws Run time: Node.js Web Server: Apache Database: MySQL Shared Modules: UMD Networking: WebSocks / Socket.io Data Structures: typescript-collections Logging: Log4ts (based on Log4js) My framework will be a microservice architecture that will used to create the basis for the client engine and the server authority engine and then a bunch of microservices that clients interact with (Authenticator, Inventory, Logging, etc). Q: Why don't I use Phaser or other for the client engine? From what I can see is that Phaser is hard and/or in optimal to run on the server side. I could use it on the client and then bunch together similar components and run them on the server but from what I can see Pixi provides a lot of runtime functionality that I will need, and I like the idea of using same physics and other libraries on both client and server. Thanks in advance! Edit 0: Object pooling: Opool Edit 1: Typescript Optionals: https://www.npmjs.com/package/ts-optional Node Websockets: https://www.npmjs.com/package/ws Browser Event Emitter: eventemitter3 Edit 2: Docker: for creating instances of node.js microservices. Scaling: not sure yet, but simplest case will be a c++ service that will spawn docker services and join the cluster as a ring node and will limit the time slice of each microservice.
  4. I am a student currently working on a simple Picture Reveal Game. The way it works is this: A picture is hidden behind a grid of squares. Each time you click on a square a trivia question pops up and if you answer it correctly part of that picture is revealed, if not, you lose points. The aim is to guess the picture. We will use an online API for the questions. That being said here are my concerns: I understand PixiJS is only a rendered with capabilities of taking input. Will pixiJS be sufficient for the game I am planning to build? I will need some sort of database that holds a collection of images (as I do not want to use Flickr API), and will also need to keep a track of the state of the game. Will PixiJS and regular JS be enough for this task? Or do I need another library as well?
  5. Hi, I am a newbie into this gaming world. I managed to make my very first game which is a snake game : http://mahesh.hostingsiteforfree.com/snakey/snakey.html. I am good with javascript, jquery, canvas. It works fine but the graphics are very low. I think the reason is clear because I used canvas to make it. I want to make a game with good graphics. But, I don't know which library to use. I would locve to hear some suggestions. Also, please give a rating on my game out of ten. Tell me whether it can be selled.
  6. I would like all we put links of things made with Phaser and other libraries here! Tween to animate a sprite and the background color in Phaser with GSAP TimelineLite (You can reverse all): http://codepen.io/jdnichollsc/pen/ZYeWEr Regards, Nicholls
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