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How does game structure differ from Flixel AS3?


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When using Flixel I would have a gamestate, a player, enemy, perhaps coins etc as separate classes. Maybe a registry that stored assets etc.


I had been tooling around with ImpactJS and that framework uses a similar  structure.


How do I implement a structure like this with a Phaser game? 


I only want the the index.html  to  set the css etc and load the game.

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@Rich I'm trying to follow the example on wip/example/state but I keep getting the error:


  1. Uncaught TypeError: Type error phaser.js:2969
    1. PIXI.CanvasRenderer.renderDisplayObjectphaser.js:2969
    2. PIXI.CanvasRenderer.renderphaser.js:2885
    3. Phaser.Game.updatephaser.js:10334
    4. Phaser.RequestAnimationFrame.updateRAFphaser.js:16157
    5. _onLoop
I have just a simple state:
var SoccerGame = {};SoccerGame.MenuScreen = function (game) {    this.game = game;};SoccerGame.MenuScreen.prototype = {    preload: function ()     {        this.game.load.image('bet', 'assets/bet_50x20.png');        //this.game.load.image('nocooper', '../assets/pics/1984-nocooper-space.png');        //this.game.load.image('touhou', '../assets/pics/aya_touhou_teng_soldier.png');        //this.game.load.image('cougar', '../assets/pics/cougar_ihsf.png');        //this.game.load.spritesheet('button', '../assets/buttons/button_sprite_sheet.png', 193, 71);    },    create: function ()     {         this.ball = this.game.add.sprite(10, 10, 'ball');        console.log('Preloade finished, lets go to the main menu automatically');       // this.game.state.start('GameScreen');    }}

Any ideas? 


I changed from Phaser.CANVAS to Phaser.AUTO and it worked... Funny cause when I had everything directly on the index.html I didn't have any problem with Phaser.Canvas. Btw I'm having all this on Chrome. 

Edited by isfuturebright
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I've just uploaded a Basic Project Template for Phaser. It shows how to use Boot, Preloader, MainMenu and Game states and swap between them, all fully commented.


It's in the dev branch of Phaser: https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/tree/dev


(in resources/Project Templates)


But you can grab the files now and use them.


Also make sure you upgrade to 1.1.1 master.

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Thanks @rich! I was checking it out and came across this:

BasicGame.Preloader = function (game) {	this.background = null;	this.preloadBar = null;	this.ready = false;};

I saw you pass a reference to "game" in all states and then reference as this.game. I was just wondering if it's necessary to do since the "game" variable is global, right? Also you're never doing this.game = game, how come this.game works later on the state functions?

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Thanks @rich! I was checking it out and came across this:

BasicGame.Preloader = function (game) {	this.background = null;	this.preloadBar = null;	this.ready = false;};

I saw you pass a reference to "game" in all states and then reference as this.game. I was just wondering if it's necessary to do since the "game" variable is global, right? Also you're never doing this.game = game, how come this.game works later on the state functions?


The game variable isn't global (it's local to an anonymous function) which is why I do it, however you could make it global and not need to do this yes.


States have a variable called 'game' set in them automatically, which is why it works later on without declaring it in the constructor. I guess I just put it there to remind you that that is what's actually being passed in.

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I am getting the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'image' of undefined

In this line:

BasicGame.Boot.prototype = {	preload: function () {		this.load.image('preloaderBackground', 'images/preloader_background.jpg');

My bad, I was using an old version of Phaser  :P Working fine now.

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For that I would just use the global object, i.e.: 

BasicGame = {  startParam: 0}

Then in your MainMenu just set BasicGame.startParam = x, and in your Game state you can check the value of it. You can use it like a global storage area. I use it for things like persisting a  games score, level reached, have they seen the tutorial, that kind of thing.

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