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  4. Please, test my guide and write if something is wrong: How to run SDL3 app on Web with WebAssembly on Windows
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  6. I have replaced Arcade Physics with Box2D-WASM in the examples of the Making your first Phaser 3 game tutorial: GitHub repository with Rollup guide Playground: Part 01: Introduction Part 02. Loading assets Part 03. World Building Part 04. The Platforms (explanation) Part 05. Ready Player One Part 06. Body velocity Part 07. Controlling the player with the keyboard Part 08. Stardust Part 09. A score to settle Part 10. Bouncing Bombs
  7. Hello, We developed a visually appealing endless runner game called “Planet Rush” using unity webgl. Game Details: Gameplay URL: https://planetrush.co/ Description: Planet Rush is an endless runner game that transports you into the depths of space. You're tasked with navigating a planet through a twisting space tunnel and navigating around dangerous asteroids by rotating the tunnel. Players can choose from classic or endless modes, offering a tailored gaming experience. As you dodge and weave through obstacles, collect stars to upgrade your planet, making it sturdier and more resistant to collisions with the relentless asteroids. The game boasts breathtaking galaxy visuals, enhancing the thrill of the chase. Game Controls: PC controls: Use the mouse or left/right arrow keys to rotate the tunnel. Mobile controls: Use touch control to rotate the tunnel. Game thumbnail and screenshots: Gameplay video: You are allowed to publish our game using iframe on your website.
  8. Hi! When you change the text of a PIXI.Text to the same that another PIXI.Text already has it does not change the text, it keeps the old value. Or at least when it has the same amount of characters, it works fine when changing from 9 to 10 wwhen the first number is 10. The thing is... that if you change any parameter of the style it seems to work fine, I left a line with the change of the color, also tried with the size of the font. Looks like it updates the text, at least in the pixi devtools it shows the actual text, also it updates the size of the text width, since you can see the width of the right number getting smaller when trying to change from "10" to "11". I will leave this PixiPlayground code, if you uncomment the line 21 you can see how it should actually work: https://www.pixiplayground.com/#/edit/zDPUvOSrNZ9Z1qWQ98O_C I'll leave the code anyways just in case: /** * This is the default playground. * You should see a bunny spinning in the right preview pane. * Feel free to use this as a starting point for you own playground! */ var text1; var text2; // Create our application instance (async () => { const app = new PIXI.Application(); await app.init({ width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight, backgroundColor: 0x2c3e50 }) document.body.appendChild(app.canvas); text1 = new PIXI.Text(); text1.text = "8"; text1.style = {fontSize: 100}; //text1.style = {fill: "#fff", fontSize: 100}; // <--- comment this line to see how it should actually work app.stage.addChild(text1); text2 = new PIXI.Text(); text2.text = "8"; text2.position.set(250, 0); text2.style = {fontSize: 100}; app.stage.addChild(text2); function asd(aux) { aux.text = (parseInt(aux.text) + 1).toString(); } setInterval(()=> { asd(parseInt(text1.text) > parseInt(text2.text) ? text2 : text1); }, 500); })();
  9. My incremental resource manager, Farm and Mine, is now live on Poki! The web version was built with Phaser, and the sources were converted from AIR using my own AS32JS converter tool. It is also available for Android, iOS, Windows and Linux here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.airapport.farm.mine.idle.ludumdare48 https://apps.apple.com/us/app/farm-and-mine-idle-tycoon/id1564694016 https://airapport.itch.io/farm-and-mine Here is what to expect in Farm and Mine: Over 60 facilities which produce resources, convert them, sell, or provide new game aspects; Integrated autoclicker: just click on the facility which you want to boost and the autoclicker will do the job for you; Unlimited offline time: having made sure you automated the production chains, you can leave your farm to return later and see how much did your citizens produce; Interlocked resource branches: agriculture, industry and population, each one depends and empowers the other; Elaborate prestige system which allows you to select which aspect of the game boost the most (and you can change your mind and try a different strategy on the next run); Human-drawn buildings and characters who work everywhere in your growing city; Feel free to use these ones to activate the timed bonuses which will speed up your progression: EUZUMQO: Time speed x10 (2:00) EPHP7UI: Clicks x10 (1:00) EO6MWON: Transport x2 (12hour 0m) The current game rating on various platforms is around 4.4 - 4.8 after thousands of reviews, so we hope you will enjoy the idle farming and resource mining, too. Have fun!
  10. Hi, I'm new to PIXI JS and pixi spine, I'm wondering if there is a way for me to make it more performant in terms of changing the spine data. What we currently have is adding the spine and removing it from its parent. But this is an expensive process for our game. Is there a better way to do it? Here is the sample code where I want to change the spine data. /** * Set up the visuals. Pieces can be resused and set up with different params freely. * @param options The setup options */ public setup(options: Partial<SlotSpineOptions> = {}) { const opts = { ...defaultSlotSpineOptions, ...options }; this.killTweens(); this.paused = false; this.visible = true; this.alpha = 1; this.type = opts.type; this.name = opts.name; this.blurName = opts.blurName; this.atlasName = opts.atlasName; this.size = opts.size; this.spine.alpha = 1; this.scale.set(1); // Replace new spine data without removing the actual spine added above this.spine = this.spine.width = opts.size; this.spine.height = opts.size; this.spine.pivot.set(0.5) this.highlight.visible = opts.highlight; this.highlight.width = opts.size; this.highlight.height = opts.size; this.highlight.alpha = 0.3; this.area.width = opts.size; this.area.height = opts.size; this.area.interactive = opts.interactive; this.area.cursor = 'pointer'; this.unlock(); } SlotSpine.ts
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  12. Problem Statement We have an app where we are currently using Pixi.js that allows us to render huge number of nodes with good performance ( 120 fps avg ). Now when applying borderWidth around the PIXI.Graphics using lineStyle around the rectangle we are severely facing huge FPS drops. In order to avoid adding lineStyle as a workaround we wrapped our node ( internally PIXI.Graphics in our arch ) with another node and gave it a padding to make it look like a border. Now FPS drops are not that bad but considering our use-case where the number of nodes can even go in lakhs this solution would not last long. So I'm starting this thread to discuss what optimizations can be made here to improve the performance. @ivan.popelyshev
  13. Can you imagine a "Whack a Mole" game that can be played with a single button? This is "Guacamole", another new one button game for my one click site, the only site that can be navigated with a single button. Play GUACAMOLE I've been testing my games and site in a foundation for children with cerebral palsy and it has been a complete success. I hope you like this new game.
  14. Hi, We are close to finishing version 2.0 of our free MIT open-source cross-platform 2-D Web video game engine. This Web game engine was built from the ground up by my team and I. (Web game engine runs both on Itch/NewGrounds sites and also locally) You can play the demo game and download the entire project source code on Itch below: https://jesseleepalser.itch.io/t-crisis-v Game is cross-platform as well and currently runs on: - Windows 10/11 Internet browsers - Linux Internet browsers - macOS Internet browsers - Android mobile Internet browsers * iOS mobile has problems(but we are working to fix) Enjoy! Jesse
  15. Very simple and nice game.
  16. Looks like you set it on TexturePool now import { TexturePool } from "pixi.js"; TexturePool.textureOptions.scaleMode = 'nearest';
  17. You can set the scale mode it in baseTexture. const texture = await Assets.load("https://pixijs.com/assets/bunny.png"); texture.source.scaleMode = 'nearest'; const bunny = new Sprite(texture); bunny.scale = 10;
  18. mazoku


    A game in the genre of fish-eat-fish with three.js I wasn't very creative with the title. Play here: Fish Whatever
  19. Ski slalom is a simple 8-bit fast-paced downhill slalom game. Go through gates and collect points, avoid trees and rocks. itch.io link: 8-bit Ski Slalom
  20. Get ready to rock your Coachella festival diva looks with the Festival Vibes Makeup Game! Dive into a world of glitter, shimmer, and vibrant colors as you create the perfect makeup look for the ultimate music festival experience. From boho chic to bold and edgy, this game offers a wide range of cosmetics and accessories for you to mix and match while playing this online makeup game for girls on Prinxy.app. Experiment with different styles, unleash your creativity and show off your makeup skills as you prepare to rock the festival stage. Whether you're a makeup newbie or a beauty pro, this game is sure to inspire you to embrace your unique style and channel your inner rockstar. So, grab your brushes, crank up the music, and get ready to slay the festival vibes with this exciting makeup game! Play here: https://prinxy.app/game/festival-vibes-makeup/
  21. As you may know I really love one button games, thats why I have a one button site, you just click the screen to navigate, experiment and play. I'm not an expert in HTML5 (I know how to do animations and buttons, create variables and random numbers)but I made this demo some time ago playing with variables and movement to create my own hit detection and las week I decided to make it a game, very simple, but for me is big goal. I'll explain, you have a random number that tell the balls to pick a place to fall, that generate a variable, and the character is just an animation that moves side to side with a single button and creates a variable depending on the line is walking on, and if the 2 variables meet you have a hit. Is very simple game, but I'm so proud of it, I'm learning HTML5 and this will be awesome. PLAY DODGE And if you are interested, check my one button site that I'm making as an inclusive free site c1ic.mx
  22. Hello fellow forum users, I'm facing some problems when trying to load pixi within a vue component. In order for pixi to be available within the component, I declare new PIXI.Application() within the data() segment of Vue. This works fine and I can even load a texture and display it within the appropriate HTML element I reserved for the canvas. In other words, I can replicate pixi.js tutorial 1 within a vue component without problems. The problem I'm facing is when I try to add a plain, no fancy Text element. Then, I get an error saying that: "CanvasRenderingContext2D.createPattern: Argument 1 could not be converted to any of: HTMLImageElement, SVGImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLVideoElement, OffscreenCanvas, ImageBitmap, VideoFrame." This is in Firefox, in Brave I get: "Failed to execute 'createPattern' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The provided value is not of type '(CSSImageValue or HTMLCanvasElement or HTMLImageElement or HTMLVideoElement or ImageBitmap or OffscreenCanvas or SVGImageElement or VideoFrame)'." I will leave here my code for the Vue component for your reference: <template> <div ref="stage"></div> </template> <script> import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js'; export default { data() { return { app: new PIXI.Application(), }; }, mounted() { (async () => { await this.app.init({ background: '#FFFFFF', // Background color, EP black resizeTo: HTMLElement, width: 1280, height: 720, antialias: true, // So that lines do not look crappy autoDensity: true // What does this do? }); this.$refs.stage.appendChild(this.app.canvas); const texture = await PIXI.Assets.load('https://pixijs.com/assets/bunny.png'); const bunny = new PIXI.Sprite(texture); this.app.stage.addChild(bunny); bunny.x = this.app.screen.width / 2; bunny.y = this.app.screen.height / 2; const basicText = new PIXI.Text({ text: 'Hello World'}); basicText.x = this.app.screen.width / 2; basicText.y = this.app.screen.height / 2; this.app.stage.addChild(basicText); })(); }, }; </script> <style> </style> If you remove the line where basicText is added to the stage, you get no error. I'm using the latest version of pixi (8.1). Thanks for your time reading my post and for providing any tips 🙂 BR, 2nOrderEDO
  23. The RevoltFX effects framework now runs with the latest PixiJS version (8.1.0). https://github.com/bma73/revolt-fx We've also updated the examples https://github.com/bma73/revolt-fx-examples See a live demo: https://samples.revoltfx.electronauts.net/ To create your own effects use the RevoltFX online editor https://editor.revoltfx.electronauts.net/ https://github.com/bma73/revolt-fx-editor Stay tuned - there's more to come :-)
  24. Hello, When I switch from battle system I try to unloadAll Assets. My code seems to destroy all textures the one's from spine2d, mp4, png. For some reason spine2d assets are still in garbage resulting in having 2.3gb of ram usage instead of aroung 500mb when only UI is loaded. My code works for sure for other assets, as when menu is loaded it takes about 550mb of ram and when unloaded all assets it goes down to 250mb.Spine2d assets for menu are still there as game at start takes 150mb of ram. // inside function that is triggered on back button click destroyContainer(battlePrepareContainer, true); unloadAssets(_.flatten([(Object.values(firstToLoad)), (Object.values(transitions))])); export const destroyContainer = (containerName: Container | string, full = false) => { const destroyOptions = { children: true, texture: full, baseTexture: full, }; const destroySpine = (spine: Spine) => { spine.spineDebug.debugGroup.destroy(destroyOptions); spine.spineDebug = null; spine.removeAllListeners(); spine.parent.removeChild(spine); if (spinePool.has(spine.name)) { spinePool.delete(spine.name) } console.log('spine', spine); spine.destroy(destroyOptions); spine = null; }; const destroyChildrenRecursive = (container: Container) => { container.children.forEach((child) => { if (child instanceof Spine) { destroySpine(child); } else if (child instanceof Container) { destroyChildrenRecursive(child); } else { child.removeAllListeners(); child.destroy(destroyOptions); child = null; } }); }; const destroyContainerAndChildren = (container: Container) => { destroyChildrenRecursive(container); container.removeAllListeners(); container.destroy(destroyOptions); container = null; }; if (typeof containerName === 'string') { if (window[containerName] && window[containerName] instanceof Container) { destroyContainerAndChildren(window[containerName]); window[containerName] = undefined; } } else if (containerName instanceof Container) { destroyContainerAndChildren(containerName); } }; export const unloadAssets = (exceptions: loadObject[]) => { const cacheKeys: string[] = Array.from(Assets.cache['_cacheMap'].keys()); const exceptionNames = exceptions.map((exception) => exception.name); const menuKeys = cacheKeys.filter((key: string) => { if (!key.includes('common') && !key.includes('assets/') && !exceptionNames.includes(key)) { return true; } return false; }); void Assets.unload(menuKeys) }
  25. They do not pay anyone who is a fraud. Stop publishing your games.
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