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2.4 is almost done


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Expect a 1 line change to Camera.ts to take care of the probably never case of using VR rig without distortion & adding a sub-process.  

Do not expect changes to math to the changed syntax of SIMD.  I changed my use of it, and it ran but did not give me the exact same results.  Ran out of time in that area.

Expect changes to Bone.copyAminationRange to do better scaling of animations when the bone lengths between source and dest skeleton are not the same.

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Deltakosh yells "All-Aboard Train #24... bound for Futureville!" ... and we hear plenty of "Wait, I'm almost done!" from the train station bathrooms.  Pretty funny, eh?  :)   I bet SOME will hop-aboard #24 with their pants still around their ankles.  heh. 

Let's see... sprites, layers, virtualJoysticks... do all those need update to our new 2D system?  Later?  Um, I might have found a problem with the physics recently... things laying on ground might not be auto-sleeping... needs further investigation.  Um, that's all I got.  I rarely know or care which train I'm on... I like all BJS trains.  (I'm proudly one of the train bearing greasers - deliciously messy.)

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@MasterSplinter -

21 hours ago, MasterSplinter said:

There is a small issue with the texture sizes in VR Camera being way to large.  I've been kinda hard coding this circumvent the issue.  Not a big deal on desktops but really bogs down performance on mobile.  When I have a free moment I'll give you more details.

What do you mean by this? I'll be working closely with the VR Camera in coming days, and don't follow what the problem is. So clarifying your issue as well as any advice would be quite helpful. And if you have any additional code required to correct any issue, I would be grateful to review an example to corect the problem you've located.



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8 hours ago, dbawel said:

@MasterSplinter -

What do you mean by this? I'll be working closely with the VR Camera in coming days, and don't follow what the problem is. So clarifying your issue as well as any advice would be quite helpful. And if you have any additional code required to correct any issue, I would be grateful to review an example to corect the problem you've located.



I'll do a write up Tuesday and try and get it in for 2.4 -- My concern is that it's device specific and we'll need some heuristics...

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I think I am running a recent version of typescript.  I get a bunch of errors, especially in Canvas2D.  I checked one, and t looks like there is a private

private _myproperty

a get myproperty

and then elsewhere in code they try to this.myproperty = blah, not this._myproperty = blah


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20 minutes ago, JCPalmer said:

I think I am running a recent version of typescript.  I get a bunch of errors, especially in Canvas2D.  I checked one, and t looks like there is a private

private _myproperty

a get myproperty

and then elsewhere in code they try to this.myproperty = blah, not this._myproperty = blah

Hmm, I think I can in fact be culprit on this one, even with the latest version of the source code, but one thing I don't get is I use the latest version of gulp and TypeScript on my machine and I don't get this compiling errors! (and I wish I had them)

You have a simple line of code like this one `d.boundingMin = this.boundingMin;` which will fail at compilation for you, but which is totally fine at runtime, because I don't declare a property setter for d.boundingMin but this property's getter is decorated and I define the setter using the decorator.

I'd be happy to summon @Deltakosh and have his advice on this one, I'm not comfortable enough with TS/JS to state if I'm right or wrong and what we should stick with in babylon.js.


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I did not have the latest fetch from repo.  As soon as I got / merged from repo.  My Gulp errored.  I cannot get node work properly on Ubuntu, cause they also have a program called node.

I am building node from source code. npm update still fails.  Since put my local repo's all on a VeraCrpt drive file (formerly truecrypt), it is a single OS file.  I copy the single OS file to a flash drive, every day, to have complete daily backups.  Being only 1 file is way faster than1000's of files.  Just copied the repo to my mac machine, & npm updated there, & now back on Linux.

Still get errors, but line number are slightly different, as file have had changes.

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