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  1. Hi all ! I've been working on a game called Kimis' Rescue. It's a platformer in which you control Komo, a little animal who needs to save his children. You can collect 3 different powers to achieve this goal : the blade, the hook and the hat. You can watch the trailer here : https://youtu.be/4XfBEteNh1E And you can play the demo here . This game has been done using the LREditor, from the LadybugRiders. Thanks for playing and feel free to comment PS : also, it seems the level selection menu is freezing on some computers but I have never been able to reproduce this behaviour. If someone having this problem could look in the console to see if there's an exception, that would be a huge help ! thanks ! ( refreshing the page seems to solve the issue)
  2. @InsaneHero : Thks and sorry, I used a code of mine that had different variables names and mix them while editing them.
  3. If you want a piece of code : [Edited after InsaneHero's comment] var oldParent = sprite.parent;oldParent.remove(sprite);newParent.add(sprite);
  4. Hi Thanks for this module, I'm using it a lot, especially for the draw calls. Regarding these, I noticed that Object not displayed in the camera are still increasing the number of draw calls. Isn't that weird? I know this might be a Phaser issue, but did you also noticed that? I managed to decrease them by setting the alpha of "unseen" object to 0, but I wanted your advice on this ( as I have to constantly check if a sprite is in the camera or not == more CPU usage ) Also, I get (N/A) draws when playing in the browser from my tablet. Cheers
  5. Hello! I want to load my assets directly from GitHub but to do that, I have to specify the HTTP Header "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.raw". I am able to load my GitHub assets with a XmlHTTPRequest and give the result to an Image (not Phaser.Image) instance, for example, but the Phaser's Loader can't because I can't set any Header. I've digged through the Loader's code and I'm able to submit a contribution to Phaser but my question is: "Is Phaser interested by this functionnality?" I can create my own external loader but I think it will be better integrated if it is in the Phaser's loading flow. Thank you!
  6. Hello ! I'm trying to load an image from a github repository into via Phaser. I basically do something like this: var path = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LadybugRiders/kimisrescue/dev/assets/images/blue_sky.jpg";loader.spritesheet( name, path, width, height);Image that you can see here, just to show you it's accessible. I've tried doing my own XMLHttpRequest, and display the image in a <img></img> and it was working quite well. So, I looked in the forum and then set : loader.crossOrigin = "anonymous"That doesn't work either, as I still get the following error: Image from origin 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com' has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header has a value 'https://render.githubusercontent.com' that is not equal to the supplied origin. Origin 'http://localhost:5000' is therefore not allowed access.I know about crossorigin policy but github shouldn't block me, if i believe the doc Thanks for your help
  7. Hello, I have an issue with TileSprites and InputHandler. The problem is that the tilesprite is not selectable outside its source image frame rectangle... well I think an image is better to explain this : As you can see, I have an image that I have tiled three times. Only the one in the middle allow me to select the object ( anchor is (0.5,0.5) ) Thanks for any idea
  8. You may want to use another way than checking the key's status in the update() Try this for example : //add a key that will get events on itvar upKey = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.UP);//add shoot() to the onDown SignalupKey.onDown.add(shoot,this);To know which key you can add, you can check Phaser doc here
  9. I've added a new issue on the github. Should I close this topic?
  10. Hi, I've been encountering an issue since I uploaded to 2.2.1 I want to load a texture tilesprite.loadTexture("imageName");With sprites, it works fine. But with tilesprites, it crashes : Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function at phaser.js 10857 I went to phaser.js to see the line that looks like this : PIXI.updateWebGLTexture(this.tilingTexture.baseTexture, renderSession.gl);It seems that PIXI.updateWebGLTexture is undefined ! ( I console.log it ) Just so you know, I'm in WebGL mode. Thanks for your help
  11. HI Rich ! Thanks for the release. I have a question though : did you change the way debug bodies are displayed (with P2)? I seem to have a problem with them, although the collisions are okay Edit : my bad, this is working now. My P2.Body override had to give the debugBody its position ( it didn't need that before)
  12. hi all, I've been trying to improve performance on mobile devices. For that, I'm watching draw calls with a plugin I found on this forum ( can't seem to be able to find it again though ) What I've learn by testing it is that mutliple tilesprites using the same texture are inducing a draw call each. Is that something to be excpted? Does sprite batching only work for sprites? Thanks
  13. As xerver said, "draws" refers to draw calls. From what I recall, a draw call is a call from the CPU to the GPU, sending data like vertices, transform matrices and textures, in order to draw on the screen every frame. A sprite usually induces one draw call. But if two sprites share the same texture, they can "share" the draw call, then inducing only one draw call for two different sprites ( it's called Batching) To reduce draw calls, you can use atlases, which can regroup mutliple textures of different sizes ( unlike spritesheets ), though this require some extra work, using a software like TexturePacker ( or a FREE one here ). Another solution may be to regroup your assets with a similar size in a spritesheet, then making your own restrictive atlases.
  14. Well this could help you : http://schteppe.github.io/p2.js/docs/classes/ContactEquation.html Using contactPointA ( or B, I'm not sure of the order, you may have to compare the bodies in collision with the bodyA & bodyB ) from the contact equation, you may be able to find the direction to push the balls to.
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