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Found 14 results

  1. Hey blokes, Any tips on running Babylon smoothly in fullscreen (desktop)? The scene I'm working on isn't too heavy ~30K vertices. The framerate is generally acceptable (45-60). Yet as soon as the window is resized to fullscreen the scene crashes! The crash happens on retina displays only (I've set engine.setHardwareScalingLevel(1);). On non-retina, there's no crash but performance drops dramatically.
  2. This morning I finally got Zoom online at Jounce.space . Simple, approachable for beginners, while still challenging experts. Steer with mouse, up arrow to accelerate, down arrow to slow down. It is mostly finished, but score-keeping is turned off for now. How far can you go? Fly as fast as you can! Win by flying far. Any direction. Your distance is your score. What do you think? Joe
  3. Hello guys, I am officialy stuck in desperation I have upgraded from Pixi2 to Pixi4 (4-7-3) and RenderTexture causes crashes on Android Chrome (no problem on desktop). I have 2D RPG game with tilebased background map, tiles are rendered to RenderTexture which is then added to the stage - this worked perfectly with Pixi2 (and Pixi3 too) but stopped to work after upgrade to Pixi4. It crashes WebGL after several seconds of walking around. I have tried hour and hours of experiments to figure out what exactly is the cause, but no success. It worked with PIXI2 and PIXI3 which means that I dont have anyhing fundamentally wrong there. Side notes: 1. Working on canvas renderer 2. Working when sprites are rendered directly and not into RenderTexture (but slow on mobiles) 3. Tried textures with power of 2 resolutions - didnt help My approach is like this //Create render texture and sprite that is containing it var mapTexture = PIXI.RenderTexture.create(Data.gameWidth + 252, Data.gameHeight + 252, PIXI.SCALE_MODES.LINEAR, 1); var bgSprite = new PIXI.Sprite(mapTexture); // Place that sprite to the stage window.stage.addChild(bgSprite); .... // Whenever character moves, terrain is rerendered function renderTerrain() { // Container that will be rendered to the texture var mapContainer = new PIXI.Container(); // Array with sprites var sprites = []; // Loop that is taking tile data from array, making sprites based on them for (mapX = startMapX; mapX < startMapX + 32; mapX++) { picY = 0; for (mapY = startMapY; mapY < startMapY + ScreenMgr.viewHeight + 8; mapY++) { var tileId = window.worldmapProcessed[mapX][mapY]; if (tileId == -1) { picY = picY + 42; } else { // Create sprite, position it and push to the array var field = new PIXI.Sprite(window.tiles[tileId]); field.x = picX; field.y = picY; sprites.push(field); picY = picY + 42; } } picX = picX + 42; } // Loop through array and add sprites to the mapCointainer for (var i = 0; i < sprites.length; i++) { mapContainer.addChild(sprites[i]); } // Render container to the texture window.renderer.render(mapContainer, mapTexture); // Empty container mapContainer.removeChildren(); } I will be really glad for some help, this game is my life and I dont want to stay stuck on PIXI2 with it
  4. I have a lot of instances in my scene, and some of those instances have other instances as parents (not sure if this matters). So, whenever I dispose of one of those instanced meshes, my scene crashes.
  5. I am creating new AnimatedSprites on pointerdown event (and deleting them on next pointerdown event) over the course if application lifetime. At some point around 20 clicks, the app crashes with an error: Rats! webGl crashed. At that point no error is displayed in console. Crash happens on a mobile device, and would probably also happen on desktop, if someone perform plenty of clicks. Code that is repeatedly used is below. I also include live example at http://forwardingsolutions.club/. Can someone please point out what am I doing wrong? From other answers I deduced that you need to reset the loader and call destroy() on animated sprite. I call both of this methods, but there is still an issue. function createNewAnimatedSprite(resources,newLoader){ var tmpSprite = new PIXI.extras.AnimatedSprite(setupFrames(resources["nextSprite"].texture.baseTexture)); app.stage.addChild(tmpSprite); spritesArray.push(tmpSprite); setupNextSprites(tmpSprite); app.renderer.plugins.prepare.upload(tmpSprite, function(){ console.log("updoaded now"); canRunNext = true; newLoader.reset(); //console.log("kill"); delete tmpSprite; }); } function setupNextSprites(nextSprite){ nextSprite.x = app.renderer.width / 2; nextSprite.y = app.renderer.height / 2; nextSprite.anchor.set(0.5); nextSprite.loop = false; nextSprite.animationSpeed = 0.5; nextSprite.visible = false; nextSprite.onComplete = function (){ console.log("animation finished"); isAnimating = false; }; } function setupNextAnimation(){ var randomNumber = getRandomInt(0,3); switch (randomNumber) { case 0: nextColor = "red"; break; case 1: nextColor = "aqua"; break; case 2: nextColor = "green"; break; case 3: nextColor = "purple"; break; } } app.stage.on("pointerdown", function () { if (firstRun && !isAnimating) { firstRun = false; isAnimating = true; currentSprite.gotoAndPlay(0); currentSprite.gotoAndPlay(0); }else{ if (canRunNext && !isAnimating){ isAnimating=true; if (currentSprite.visible){ currentSprite.visible = false; currentSprite.destroy(true); } spritesArray[spritesArray.length-1].visible = true; spritesArray[spritesArray.length-1].gotoAndPlay(0); app.stage.removeChild(spritesArray[spritesArray.length-2]); spritesArray[spritesArray.length-2].destroy(true); canRunNext = false; setupNextSpritesAnimation(); } } }); function setupSpritesAnimation(){ //created currentSprite just once at the start of app spritesArray.push(currentSprite); }
  6. Hi my app is crashing on initial load (not always), looks like that happens when scene start to load, after error site is reloaded and works further ok. I am trying to get more debug info , but right now I have only this message GL Support: can **NOT** render to 1 texture. Have anyone had similar issues? Works great on desktop.
  7. Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getProgram' of undefined at n.enableEffect (babylon.js:5) at r.t._preBind (babylon.js:17) at r.render (babylon.js:14) at t.render (babylon.js:15) at t.renderUnsorted (babylon.js:11) at t.render (babylon.js:11) at t.render (babylon.js:11) at i.renderToTarget (babylon.js:16) at i.render (babylon.js:16) at r._renderForCamera (babylon.js:13) This used to work. Tried with Chrome and FF, basically same thing. Scene loads, you get a glimpse of the character and then the magic stops.
  8. Hey everyone, So I'm testing a game on IE 11 in Canvas mode and I get the following error about every other time I refresh the page: SCRIPT5022: IndexSizeError File: phaser.min.js, Line: 12, Column: 1746 The phaser code at the problem location is: this.context.drawImage(a.texture.baseTexture.source,a.texture.frame.x,a.texture.frame.y,a.texture.frame.width,a.texture.frame.height,a.anchor.x*-a.texture.frame.width,a.anchor.y*-a.texture.frame.height,a.texture.frame.width,a.texture.frame.height) Sometimes I can load up the game fine, but if I refresh I get this error. Any ideas?
  9. Hello, I have simple exteneded object from sprite. Its simple smoke effect with tween alpha for some effects, after tween ends, call this.destroy(), for destroy and remove this sprite from game. But somethink vierd happends. I call this every tick, but memory increase more and more, and after few minutes browser crash. When I dont use this object, game run OK and memory not increase. I think there must be somethink, and this think not allow GC clear this instance. But I try clear object as example, only create sprite nothink else, and on the end put this.destroy(), same memory leak. But when I create only sprite (without extending and creating instance), and call destory() on this sprite, memory leaks gone.. Everythink OK. So where is problem ? I also try after destroy set to all properties in this instance to null, same situation, GC not clear memory. Problematic code here: /* global Phaser, Utils, config */ /** * XP point body * * @class XpPoint * @extends Phaser.Sprite * @constructor */ SmokeEffect = function (game, x, y, black, lessTransparent, settings) { /** * @property {Phaser} game - Main game context * @private */ Phaser.Sprite.call(this, game, x, y, 'smoke'); game.add.existing(this); game.physics.enable(this, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); //2500 game.time.events.add(100, function () { this.destroy(); }, this); }; SmokeEffect.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Sprite.prototype); SmokeEffect.prototype.constructor = SmokeEffect; I try clear all properties in instance, but not help: for(var property in this){ this[property] = null; delete this[property]; } When I do this everythink is OK: var effect = this.game.add.sprite(exhaustPosition.x, exhaustPosition.y, 'smoke'); this.game.time.events.add(2500, function () { this.destroy(); }, effect); This anoying memory leak blocking release our game, almost one year of development stop on this memory leak, anybody know how solve it ?
  10. Hello. As I mentioned in title, setting text bounds causes game getting crashes. var bar = game.add.graphics(); bar.beginFill(0x000000, 0.2); bar.drawRect(FirstCave.position.x, 100, FirstCave.width, 230); var style = { font: "bold 25px Arial", fill: "#fff", boundsAlignH: "center", boundsAlignV: "middle" }; CaveName = game.add.text(FirstCave.position.x, 100, "Kopalnia Złota", style); //CaveName.setTextBounds(0, 100, 100, 100); Code is from THAT example. Did I made mistake somewhere?
  11. Hey everyone, I'm encountering a problem with the blender exporter. It's crashing 100% of the time while exporting (although almost always finishes exporting the whole scene with its materials). I'm using the latest 4.4.1 blender exporter and 2.76b blender on a mac. I'm attaching my export log if it's any help. Is there a way to get the blender log, if it would be more helpful? Really looking forward to the help as this problem has been driving me crazy (always having to reopen the blender file when I want to continue working after the export). Exporter version: 4.4.1, Blender version: 2.76 (sub 0) ========= Conversion from Blender to Babylon.js ========= Scene settings used: selected layers only: false flat shading entire scene: false inline textures: false texture directory: /**REMOVED**/ Python World class constructor completed processing begun of mesh: Glass_Dark processing begun of baked material: Glass_Dark Cycles baking texture, type: DIFFUSE_COLOR, mapped using: BakingUV num positions : 51 num normals : 51 num uvs : 102 num uvs2 : 0 num colors : 0 num indices : 60 processing begun of mesh: Lamp_Mesh_4 processing begun of baked material: Lamp_Mesh_4 Cycles baking texture, type: DIFFUSE_COLOR, mapped using: BakingUV num positions : 371 num normals : 371 num uvs : 742 num uvs2 : 0 num colors : 0 num indices : 684 processing begun of mesh: Door_Room2 processing begun of Standard material: Door_Room2_Material num positions : 20 num normals : 20 num uvs : 0 num uvs2 : 0 num colors : 0 num indices : 108 processing begun of mesh: Roof processing begun of baked material: Roof Cycles baking texture, type: DIFFUSE_COLOR, mapped using: UVMap num positions : 4 num normals : 4 num uvs : 8 num uvs2 : 0 num colors : 0 num indices : 6 processing begun of camera (FreeCamera): Camera processing begun of mesh: Walls processing begun of baked material: Walls Cycles baking texture, type: DIFFUSE_COLOR, mapped using: UVMap num positions : 952 num normals : 952 num uvs : 1904 num uvs2 : 0 num colors : 0 num indices : 1644 processing begun of mesh: Floor processing begun of baked material: Floor Cycles baking texture, type: DIFFUSE_COLOR, mapped using: UVMap num positions : 4 num normals : 4 num uvs : 8 num uvs2 : 0 num colors : 0 num indices : 6 processing begun of mesh: Door_Bathroom processing begun of baked material: Door_Bathroom Cycles baking texture, type: DIFFUSE_COLOR, mapped using: UVMap num positions : 79 num normals : 79 num uvs : 158 num uvs2 : 0 num colors : 0 num indices : 102 processing begun of mesh: Door_Outside processing begun of Standard material: Door_Outside_Material num positions : 18 num normals : 18 num uvs : 0 num uvs2 : 0 num colors : 0 num indices : 102 processing begun of mesh: Window_Big processing begun of baked material: Window_Big Cycles baking texture, type: DIFFUSE_COLOR, mapped using: UVMap num positions : 73 num normals : 73 num uvs : 146 num uvs2 : 0 num colors : 0 num indices : 96 processing begun of mesh: Window_Small processing begun of baked material: Window_Small Cycles baking texture, type: DIFFUSE_COLOR, mapped using: UVMap num positions : 71 num normals : 71 num uvs : 142 num uvs2 : 0 num colors : 0 num indices : 96 processing begun of mesh: Door_Room1 processing begun of Standard material: Door_Room1_Material num positions : 18 num normals : 18 num uvs : 0 num uvs2 : 0 num colors : 0 num indices : 102 processing begun of mesh: Window_Medium processing begun of Standard material: Window_Medium_Material num positions : 16 num normals : 16 num uvs : 0 num uvs2 : 0 num colors : 0 num indices : 96 processing begun of mesh: Small_Window processing begun of baked material: Small_Window Cycles baking texture, type: DIFFUSE_COLOR, mapped using: BakingUV num positions : 147 num normals : 147 num uvs : 294 num uvs2 : 0 num colors : 0 num indices : 204 processing begun of mesh: Big_Window processing begun of baked material: Big_Window Cycles baking texture, type: DIFFUSE_COLOR, mapped using: BakingUV num positions : 355 num normals : 355 num uvs : 710 num uvs2 : 0 num colors : 0 num indices : 480 processing begun of mesh: Medium_Window processing begun of baked material: Medium_Window Cycles baking texture, type: DIFFUSE_COLOR, mapped using: BakingUV num positions : 149 num normals : 149 num uvs : 298 num uvs2 : 0 num colors : 0 num indices : 204 processing begun of mesh: Lamp_Mesh_3 processing begun of baked material: Lamp_Mesh_3 Cycles baking texture, type: DIFFUSE_COLOR, mapped using: UVMap num positions : 581 num normals : 581 num uvs : 1162 num uvs2 : 0 num colors : 0 num indices : 684 processing begun of mesh: Glass_Window processing begun of baked material: Glass_Window Cycles baking texture, type: DIFFUSE_COLOR, mapped using: BakingUV num positions : 124 num normals : 124 num uvs : 248 num uvs2 : 0 num colors : 0 num indices : 144 WARNING: The following lamp not visible in scene thus ignored: Spot_Hall WARNING: The following lamp not visible in scene thus ignored: Area WARNING: The following lamp not visible in scene thus ignored: Lamp WARNING: The following lamp not visible in scene thus ignored: Spot_Bathroom ========= Writing of scene file started ========= ========= Writing of scene file completed ========= ========= end of processing ========= elapsed time: 0 min, 55.0042 secs
  12. Hello guys Im from Switzerland and i made my own Android Game and published it on Play Store. Its a Space game. You need to avoid the meteors and stay alive It is a little bit difficult for new players but in the next Update it will get a little bit easier.. Here is the link to the PlayStore page. I would really appreciate it when you give it a try and maybe rate the Game https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.JackJackGames.AlienCrash
  13. Hi I have this code that works on desktop browser but is crashing the mobile browsers create:function(){ this.game.input.addPointer(); this.playBtn = this.game.add.sprite(this.game.world.centerX,400,'playBtn'); this.playBtn.anchor.setTo(0.5,0.5); this.playBtn.inputEnabled = true; this.playBtn.events.onInputDown.add(this.gotoGame,this); },gotoGame:function(gotoGame,pointer){ console.log('go to game'); this.game.state.start('game');}please point my mistakes. Thanks in advance.
  14. The title say it all: The last pixi.js from github crashing in new PIXI.stage under Dolphin Browser in Android. I do included pixi.js and var PIXI is [object]. Bug bug bug.... to fix (no debugging tools in Android -> no fun)
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