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  1. // Bullet if(this.CurrentAnim.name == "bullet_dead") this.CurrentAnim.Animsprite.onComplete = () => { this.IsDead = true; }; // Animation (animation class have member pixijs.animsprite) this.update = function() // update is game loop { if(!this.loop) { this.Animsprite.onComplete = () => { this.stopAnim(); // stop anim delete this; // delete animation obj }; } } // GameScene if(this.arrGameObj[i][j].IsDead) // every loop check dead obj and remove it { delete this.arrGameObj[i][j]; // to null, release in memory this.arrGameObj[i].splice(j); // pop in arrgameobj continue; } // Here's recorded video that help you understand my problem clearly 2022-12-12 16-07-27.mkv
  2. Hello, I am making a simple game using pixijs and have problem that animation stops when I hide the browser window and after showing the window the animation continutes from where it stopped. I simply need to keep animation going even in background. I use "app.ticker.add(loop);" and "loop" is a function where all the animation happens. Thank you
  3. Hi all I'm CodingButter I have been developing a 2d game engine from scratch. I wanted to get some opinions about the tick and render loops. I currently have my render loop executing as fast as requestAnimationframes will let me. And I've also trigger my ticks with setTimeout. I've noticed by doing this I am consistently getting 200 ticks per second. I was wondering what the drawbacks would be for using setTimeout in this way. I personally don't seem to see anything but improvement to my game behavior. but I'm sure there is something big i'm overlooking performance wise. Any thoughts. Also Excited to find a community to chat with. Codesandbox.io Link Twitch Discord
  4. I want to display a live2d model using PixiJS V5, cubism 4.0 sdk. Specifically, I am planning to create a Live2DSprite that inherits Sprite and display it by rendering. However, it is not done at present. Probably you haven't successfully replaced the bindRenderTexture and bindRenderTarget of PixiJS V4 I am thinking. Is there a mechanism to change to bindRenderTexture and bindRenderTarget in PixiJS V5? [reference] I want to do the following. https://github.com/avgjs/pixi-live2d [progress] Reference video https://github.com/MrSlip777/MZ_talk_live2d_cubism4
  5. Hey. I would like to know about drawCalls and their optimization. For example, there is an atlas, one of the pictures with additive blending mode. - Can we do it all in 1 drawCall. (If possible, explain why it is impossible and how it would be possible). The second question, is the developer Yggdrasil in his games uses sequence, an atlas filled with sequences. My developers said that the sequence in Pixi js is bad, and it is better not to use them because of optimization. But Yggdrasil normally uses them and is not afraid of it. Do they use webgl instances? with vertex shader? Can you tell me?
  6. Is there a simple way to show fps in PIXI.js?
  7. Hello guys , As i unity developer i just want to ask a quick question Which method in mesh class Match update function in unity .. What it means i want each mesh to have it's own update method rather use scene.registerBeforeRender() Which controls every update/render happens in the scene I've used those func's mesh.onBeforeDrawObservable() mesh.onAfterRenderObservable() But Explicitly i don't know if it's best choice or not and i have little problem with it .. Also those methods can't be executed behind camera view (the mesh must be in the view of camera to allow those type of functions to be executed) so guys what do u think ? Thanks in advance
  8. Hey guys! I've got one main question, with a few follow ups.. here goes I was wondering if there was a way draw an image onto the PIXI.Graphics (object thingy)? I'm aware I can add sprites to the stage and other containers. But I'm currently drawing polygons, and images (with a dynamic render order), So this seems like a good way to do that. Is there a way of doing this, similar to the plain/vanilla canvas way: var canvas = Dom.get('canvas');var context = canvas.getContext('2d');context.drawImage(source, x, y, w, h, ...); I've tried: var context = pixiRenderer.context;.. but this only returns the following: CanvasRenderingContext2D {} And now for the follow ups: Is the context (2d), unique to the Canvas? Would drawing imaged to the graphics object limit me to the CanvasRenderer, or could I still use PIXI.autoDetectRenderer and PIXI.WebGLRenderer ? Thanks in advance!
  9. Hello. guys. Reading this tutorial I noticed that bitmatText can be included into setTexturePriority array: var enabled = this.game.renderer.setTexturePriority(['boat', 'skier', 'pole', 'rock', 'shark', 'sea', 'waves']); if (enabled.length < this.game.renderer.maxTextures) { // Enable for the BitmapFont this.game.cache.getBitmapFont('fat-and-tiny').base.textureIndex = enabled.length + 1; } Can I do the same using simple text? Text is created sth like var myTextStyle = { font: "32px Century Gothic", fill: "#fff", boundsAlignH: "center", boundsAlignV: "middle", align: "center" }; var myText = game.add.text(0, 0, "Just text example...", myTextStyle); Any help is appreciated! Thanks in advance.
  10. Is there any way to render the tilemap layers and get the image? I just want to do a static minimap (it will not display changes in the world). Initially, I tried to do this with a camera that looks at the game world with the ignoring of unnecessary objects. It turned out, but so-so, you need to carefully select the scale that would not be render artifacts. At the moment, the mini-map is in another scene and accordingly it does not have access to the render of another scene, i.e. option with the camera does not work. So I tried using the built-in renderer and its screenshot function. As I did, at the initialization stage of the map, I create an additional game instance with the world size equal to the minimap (in other words I make the game in the game) and try to make its screenshot. At the result it comes with base64, but in my case it is invalid, and the expected size should be an order of magnitude greater. I suspect that because of the async of both the initialization of my map and the map itself in the map, this does not happen until the end. GameInGame code: const startMiniGame = tileMap => { const factor = 10; function preload() { this.load.image('tiles', tilesheet); } function create() { const mapData = Tilemaps.Parsers.Tiled('map', tileMap, undefined); this.map = new Tilemaps.Tilemap(this, mapData); const { widthInPixels, heightInPixels, tileHeight, tileWidth } = this.map; this.tiles = this.map.addTilesetImage('maptile', 'tiles', tileWidth, tileHeight, 1, 2); MapService.Layers.forEach(([layer]) => { this.map.createDynamicLayer(layer, this.tiles, 0, 0); }); this.cameras.main.setBounds(0, 0, widthInPixels / factor, heightInPixels / factor); this.cameras.main.setZoom(factor); } return { type: Phaser.CANVAS, width: tileMap.widthInPixels / factor, height: tileMap.heightInPixels / factor, scene: { create, preload } }; }; And initialization: // method of MapService createMiniMapSnaphot = tileMap => { // there I can catch error event then. // so, game.renderer.snapshot works but gives something wrong this.scene.sys.textures.on('onerror', (...args) => { console.error('onerror', ...args); }); const game = new Phaser.Game(startMiniGame(tileMap)); game.renderer.snapshot(image => { this.scene.sys.textures.addBase64('s', image); }); }; Perhaps someone who has encountered such a task or has some ideas?
  11. Hi, have some question regarding `alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh`. was experimenting with `alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh` and saw that in `_evaluateActiveMeshes` there is check for active meshes: if (mesh.alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh || mesh.isVisible && mesh.visibility > 0 && ((mesh.layerMask & this.activeCamera.layerMask) !== 0) && mesh.isInFrustum(this._frustumPlanes)) ... Any reason why `isVisible` and `visibility ` is not checked before `alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh` ? Like this: if (mesh.isVisible && mesh.visibility > 0 && (mesh.alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh || ((mesh.layerMask & this.activeCamera.layerMask) !== 0 && mesh.isInFrustum(this._frustumPlanes))) ... It have some specific semantics ? As for me if mesh is not visible it should not be rendered
  12. Hi all, I need to display a large image and dynamically hide sections of it. I already use masking to specify which parts should be displayed. The code I use to achieve this is in the form: this._topMask = game.add.graphics(0, 0); this._topMask.drawRect(0, 170, game.width, vm.ActiveGameHeight - 320); this.defaultGroup.mask = this._topMask; This is useful in that it gives me a rectangle within which the image renders. Now I need to dynamically block sections of that rectange and create areas that are not rendered. Ideally, I would like to be able to create masks similar to the image below. I cannot use presaved images because the position of the rectangles change dynamically. What is the most performance optimised way to achieve this in Phaser? (I am on version 2.4.4)
  13. Всем привет! Если мы напишем let enabled = this.game.renderer.setTexturePriority(['UIAtlas', 'InGameAtlas']); в первом состоянии текстуры отображаются нормально. При изменении состояния. this.game.state.start('InGame'); текстуры исчезают. https://prnt.sc/jbcdz0 информация об отладке https://prnt.sc/jbcdz0 в чем проблема? Благодаря!
  14. Hello everyone! i have a very specific question, i need to somehow pause the game at the end of the frame render, execute a function and then render the next frame, and do the same over and over, is that possible? if there is no function that would allow to do that, what is the function that takes care of the scene rendering so i could modify it? Thanks!
  15. Hi all, We've published a babylon js based product configurator for a client here : https://v-moda.com/pages/forza-metallo_customizer it works perfectly everywhere but on my brand new galaxy S9 the scene renders like this : what could be the cause of it ? any ideas ? Thanks ! PastedGraphic-2.tiff
  16. The webivew which use pixijs will crash on iOS when the app goes background, something like: _gpus_ReturnNotPermittedKillClient. So, we have to pause the webgl render. There is lockRender in Phaser. Is there a similar method in Pixijs to pause renderer? Thank you. updateRender: function (elapsedTime) { if (this.lockRender) { return; } // ... }
  17. Hi everyone, I've just signed up to this forum and I want to show you my new game made in Consturct 2. This game is not 100% finished ( maybe 95%) so there's a few bugs.Also ignore the "audiojungle" sounds.I haven't bought the sounds yet. Any comments and questions are welcome. Play the preview here : http://www.actionoyun.0fees.us
  18. I have an mp4 video file (H264 encoded). I want to create a PIXI.extras.AnimatedSprite from this video to be able not lagging reversed animation play; If I splice this video to image sequence the size becoming huge (about 8Mb vs 500kb of mp4). I want to load low size mp4 file and extract image array from it to create an Animated Sprite. Reverse playing directly from <video> by changing video.currentTime is lagging. I want to create something like hover/unhover animation.
  19. Hello, is there a way to advance a VideoTexture by just 1 frame per RenderLoop? As I understand it now it is time based. This creates the problem that if the frames need to be captured to create an animated sequence, the video keeps advancing in between 2 captured frames.
  20. Hi everyone I read this about gltf : https://pissang.github.io/qtek-model-viewer/ and test it with "Adam head " : https://sketchfab.com/features/gltf The render system is the same than Sketchfab for post processes. It's really cool because when there is no animations, the engine calculate step by step a better render quality. Post processes like ambiant occlusion look really great and not drop fps. This allow us to run scene with 60fps with animation and to return a beautiful image when all meshes are fixe. All post processes and shadows seem to be calculate with a rough noise at the beginning and with more precision at the end. ( It's look like a trick to get more performance ...) So, I open this post to discuss about that and to see if it will be a great idea to add it in Babylon What do you think ? Have a nice day ! PS : I ask this because I'm working on this :
  21. Hi, My query is this: I use the Cocos creator tool to position a text. When you export the position of this element and then integrate it into my phaser game, it happens that the selected position is slightly different from what is previewed in the Cocos tool. I suspect it is due to how both tools draw the font in their respective container. As you can see in the attached images, in the tool the text is centered in its container, however, in Phaser, when debugging the edges of the text, you can see that the font is positioned upwards. In short, both containers are in the same position but the texts are drawn in different positions. Is there any way to modify how Phaser draws the text in his container? As additional information, both texts are centered and added to a sprite as a child. The way the text is positioned varies according to the font used. Cocos tool Phaser:
  22. Hi, I'm a actually making a game using PHASER. On this game, player have to jump to escape balls rolling on the ground, like on an infinite runner. Actually, everything is working fine but the player is showed using a spritesheet divided on 128*128 resolution. The character animation running doesn't use 128 pixels on width causing the ball to collide with the player even if the player doesn't hit the ball. The player hitbox is actually configured to 128*128 but I know that in previous versions of PHASER, it was possible to render player to make his hitbox scale his skin. I didn't find this function in the actual version of PHASER. Can someone help ? Thanx in advance. For information : Phaser example on previous versions :
  23. Hello, I'm doing some stress test with PIXI, and it seems that PIXI draw all the element of the stage, it does not matter if they are in range off the screen or not. I'm trying with 300 circles and even if I move the layer to coordinates very far from the "screen view" (x=10000,y=10000), it still processing them all and give me very low FPS There is any way to process only "inrange" objects to save CPU/GPU usage? It is a Normal Draw (drawCircle) slower or heavier than an Image? Thanks
  24. I'm trying to make game resize appropriately to size of the window/screen. Everything's working out great, except for the tilemap. It seems like the rendering bounds are not updated. (typescript) onResize() { this.game.scale.refresh(); var newWidth = window.innerWidth / 3; var newHeight = window.innerHeight / 3; this.game.scale.setGameSize(newWidth, newHeight); this.game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL; //need to call this to apply new size? this.game.camera.setSize(newWidth, newHeight); for (var i = 0; i < this.tilemap.layer.length; i++) { this.tilemap.layer[i].width = newWidth; this.tilemap.layer[i].resizeFrame(this.tilemap, newWidth, newHeight); this.tilemap.layer[i].crop(new Phaser.Rectangle(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight), false); this.tilemap.layer[i].updateCrop(); } this.game.camera.follow(this.player.sprite, Phaser.Camera.FOLLOW_TOPDOWN, 0.8, 0.8); } As you can see I've tried everything, I would've expected resizeFrame or crop to do something, but unfortunately they don't. Do note that the rest of the game updates the size correctly, as the fish get rendered in the widened area just fine. Any ideas how to update the tilemap to the new size? Thanks!
  25. https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#4HUQQ#207 Hello again, I'm trying to figure out how to check for collisions using intersectsMesh method. The problem is that when I start my scene, the intersectsMesh callback is called since I believe the meshes start at the origin point of the world on the first render before they are moved. The PG above demonstrates the problem. If you open up the browser's developer console, you would see "SHOULDNT HAPPEN" when the mesh intersections occurred. Any tips on how to prevent this problem? Thank you!
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