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Found 22 results

  1. Super Fast 6-Packs is based on a Finnish joke Juoksukaljat (Grab ’n Go Beers). It’s a parody endless runner where the idea is to enter a small market, grab a 6-pack of your favourite beverage, and then run out without paying. Like a greased flash of lightning! The gameplay consists of the running part where you run away from the police and try your best not to fall into the obstacles ahead. Key features: Randomly generated nordic scenery. Simple controls: tap to run, swipe up/down to jump or slide. The faster you tap, the faster you run! High Score feedback based on the Finnish mindset. Super Fast 6-Packs has been designed for mobile devices but can also be played similarly with mouse. Play: https://horrosgames.itch.io/super-fast-6-packs https://play.idevgames.co.uk/game/super-fast-6-packs Made with Phaser v2.16.2 My ultimate plan was to create an APK of this game and put it on Google Play, but there's this small but noticeable, random stutter when played in Android/Chrome WebView with WebGL. Canvas is not an option there since it makes the game unplayable on WebView. I've tried my best to optimize the game but the random stutter happens even if I get rid of almost everything in the game. I don't know. Browser runs the game perfectly though, so maybe I'll create a PWA.
  2. Hi All I've been working on a top down endless runner , where the player jumps from one platform to another and should not leave the screen. How to make a platform move horizontally I'm spawning platforms and adding x and y velocity its working but is it a right of doing it ? if not how to make it look better this.initX = this.x; this.body.velocity.y = -200; platform.prototype.update = function () { if (this.moving) { if (this.x > (this.initX + this.width)) { this.speed = -200; } if (this.x < (this.initX)) { this.speed = 200; } this.body.velocity.x = this.speed; }
  3. I think I will use time loop event and some rndX but i confused how to implement it to my code. I want the rock sticky on the platform so i use phaser arcade mode I want to make it but have no idea. Can anyone help me? Any help will be appreciate
  4. Hello! I’d like to announce the open beta release of Lumi’s Journey! This is HartBloom Studios’ first game. Lumi's Jouney is built in Construct 2 and uses Cocoon.io for compiling. Endless gameplay, 2D styling, and attempting to beat your friends’ high score is something I grew up with, so that’s what Lumi’s Journey is based around! Any critique or suggestions for gameplay, music, sound, and graphics is greatly appreciated! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lastlight
  5. I'm working on an endless runner than uses multiple tilemaps as segments in order to achieve a procedurally generated effect. I'm copying tile data from a buffered tilemap (not being rendered) and pasting that data to another tilemap (currently being rendered) but not all the tiles show up. I copy and paste the tiles in three separate batches. The first batch works fine. The second and third batch of tiles don't render at all, but the collision tiles still work. All the tiles are copied from the same tilemap. Attached is the relevant file. Runner.js
  6. _runner This is a Phaser.js Project full content in my repo currently this is how it looks and plays runner.js So this was, or is... a project that was supposed to be a very simple game that got out of hand. in the bad sense. anyway. It's not finished and barely working. This is the reason to this README, help! I need your help to make this happen. To check current status go to the bottom of this README. Intentions This is a Retro Arcade style game, the objective is to get a high score. 1. only one level that never ends It gets harder as the player advances. This is what I have in mind, if you wanna change it, do it two values establish the jumps; the score, and the lives you have. the different jumps are ranked in Tiers, once a certain score threshold is passed the next tier is unlocked and new, more challenging jumps appear, and easier onces go away. There's something I haven't decided yet. I'm not sure if adding a multiplier when certain score and number of hearts are met. But this can be decided when testing. 2. the player has 5 lives each time you touch a "bad" box you loose one life if you loose all lives, GAME OVER if you fall down a pit, GAME OVER Not sure about giving the chance of getting lives back or staking more. I rather not 3. score system there's two score values; the distance ran and the time past The time subtracts from the distance This is to penalize stopping. So if you stop running the time still subtracts. after the player dies death is inevitable once dead you can record your score and give yourself a 3 character name Epilogue I'm sure some things are not well explained, and something was left hanging. So don't hesitate on bashing me online telling me everything I did wrong. try to be constructive though. THANKS! Status (4/10/17) The game uses Phaser and right now it's just one level with no loading on start screens so when you start the only thing that appears is the level per se. As said, this is just one level, and it's not where I wanted the project to be at. The real objective was to make this an endless runner. To make it an infinite level that goes on and on until the player dies. This is where this thing is at, right now: only one level no landing page "harmful" boxes are harmless and with no collision. Problems with tilesets and layers can't die no animation when jumping no animation when bumping into something
  7. Howdy all, I have another question. I'm making an endless runner with the method of moving the tiles to the left and assigning the player an equal and opposite velocity so that it stays in the same place. The problem is that the player doesn't stay in the same place. I've added a velocity of 0 on jump, so the problem isn't that the player is jumping forward. There are just almost imperceptible little movements (I've logged out the player.x during the course of the game and it will move back and forth 5 or 10 pixels) which sometime snowball into big issues where the player hits the left edge of the screen. I haven't been able to isolate the root cause of the problem. The player can collect coins, hearts, and can hit enemies, however, I'm checking overlap on each of these, not collide. Here is the update function in my Game.js: update: function() { /* COLLISION WITH POOLS */ if (this.player.alive) { this.platformPool.forEachAlive(function(platform, index) { this.game.physics.arcade.collide(this.player, platform, this.hitWall, null, this); this.enemiesPool.forEachAlive(function(enemy, index) { this.game.physics.arcade.collide(enemy, platform); }, this); // update floor tile speed constantly platform.forEach(function(floor) { floor.body.velocity.x = -this.levelSpeed; }, this); //check if platform needs to be killed if(platform.length && platform.children[platform.length - 1].right < 0) { platform.kill(); } }, this); // update coin and life sprite speed constantly this.coinsPool.forEachAlive(function(coin) { coin.body.velocity.x = -this.levelSpeed; }, this); this.lifePool.forEachAlive(function(life) { life.body.velocity.x = -this.levelSpeed; }, this); this.game.physics.arcade.overlap(this.player, this.coinsPool, this.collectCoin, null, this); this.game.physics.arcade.overlap(this.player, this.lifePool, this.collectLife, null, this); this.game.physics.arcade.overlap(this.player, this.enemiesPool, this.hurtPlayer, null, this); this.game.physics.arcade.collide(this.enemiesPool, this.projectilesPool, this.killEnemy, null, this); this.processDelayedEffects(); /* CHECK PLAYER BOOLEANS */ if (this.player.body.touching.down && !this.isHit && !this.isShooting) { this.player.play('running'); this.player.body.velocity.x = this.levelSpeed; } if (!this.player.body.touching.down) { this.player.body.velocity.x = 0; } if (!this.player.body.touching.down && this.isJumping) { //if up in the air //console.log('player is in the air'); //this.player.x = 400; this.canShoot = true; } if (this.isShooting && this.player.body.touching.down) { //if shooting this.isShooting = false; this.player.body.velocity.x = this.levelSpeed; } /* CONTROLS */ if(this.cursors.up.isDown || this.game.input.activePointer.isDown){ this.playerJump(); } else if (this.cursors.up.isUp || this.game.input.activePointer.isUp) { this.isJumping = false; } if(this.spaceKey.isDown){ this.shoot(); } /* PLATFORM CREATION */ //if the last sprite in the platform group is showing, then create a new platform //console.log(this.currentPlatform.children); if(this.currentPlatform.length && this.currentPlatform.children[this.currentPlatform.length - 1].right < this.game.world.width) { this.createPlatform(); } /* KILL SWITCH */ //kill coins that leave the screen this.coinsPool.forEachAlive(function(coin){ if (coin.right <= 0){ coin.kill(); } }, this); //kill enemies that leave the screen this.enemiesPool.forEachAlive(function(enemy){ if (enemy.right <= 0 || enemy.left <= 200){ enemy.kill(); } }, this); } /* ALLOW ENEMIES TO REMAIN ON PLATFORMS AFTER DEATH */ this.platformPool.forEachAlive(function(platform, index){ this.enemiesPool.forEachAlive(function(enemy, index){ this.game.physics.arcade.collide(enemy, platform); }, this); }, this); /* CHECK IF PLAYER NEEDS TO DIE */ if(this.player.top >= this.game.world.height || this.player.left <= 0 || this.myLivesLeft <= 0) { //alpha doesn't work when bitmapData sprite is continuously redrawn //so only run gameOver once this.player.play('dying'); this.playerLives.destroy(true, true); this.speedUpTimer.destroy(); this.nextLevelTimer.timer.destroy(); if(this.gameOverCounter <= 0) { this.gameOver(); this.gameOverCounter++; } } }, Any suggestions would be appreciated!
  8. Hi I'm writing a endless runner with typescript+phaser. I haven't made much progress yet, right now it only generates an infinite platform and has a running player that can jump. Now its the jumping I'm having issues with... when the game starts, the bottom of the player (which is its Y anchor) is at 400, which is the top of the platform. The player runs along fine and has no issues what so ever till I jump. Once the player lands after jumping, it starts jumping up and down (a little bit, only noticeable by looking at its Y through console.log), and the collision bool (from game.physics.arcade.collide) starts to switch between true and false every frame. Also, after landing a jump the players Y is a little bit under the platform top. Here is the code: /// <reference path="defs/phaser.d.ts" /> class Game { game: Phaser.Game; player: Phaser.Sprite; platform: Phaser.Group; constructor() { this.game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, '', { preload: this.preload, create: this.create, update: this.update }) } preload() { this.game.load.atlasJSONHash('player', '/assets/player.png', '/assets/player.json'); this.game.load.image('grass_left', '/assets/grass_left.png'); this.game.load.image('grass_middle', '/assets/grass_middle.png'); this.game.load.image('grass_right', '/assets/grass_right.png'); } create() { this.game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); // Create player this.player = this.game.add.sprite(20, 400, 'player'); this.player.anchor.set(0.5, 1); this.player.animations.add('jump', [3]); this.player.animations.add('walk', [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]); this.player.animations.play('walk', 20, true); this.game.physics.arcade.enable(this.player); this.player.body.gravity.y = 400; this.player.body.bounce.y = 0; this.player.body.velocity.x = 200; // Create platform this.platform = this.game.add.group(); this.platform.enableBody = true; var block = this.platform.create(0, 400, 'grass_left'); block.body.immovable = true; for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { block = this.platform.create((i + 1) * 70, 400, 'grass_middle'); block.body.immovable = true; } this.game.world.setBounds(0, 0, 999999999999999999, 600); } update() { if(this.platform.right < this.game.camera.x + 800) { var block = this.platform.create(this.platform.right, 400, 'grass_middle'); block.body.immovable = true; } console.log(this.player.y); var onPlatform = this.game.physics.arcade.collide(this.player, this.platform); if(!onPlatform) { this.player.animations.play('jump', 20, true); } else { this.player.animations.play('walk', 20, true); } // Input var cursors = this.game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); // Jump if(onPlatform && cursors.up.isDown && this.player.body.touching.down) { this.player.body.velocity.y = -450; } this.game.camera.x = this.player.x - 200; } } window.onload = () => { var game = new Game(); } Here is some values each frame after landing a jump: Frame 1 Player Y: 397 Collision with platform: false Frame 2 Player Y: 397.1111111111111 Collision with platform: true Frame 3 Player Y: 397 Collision with platform: false Frame 4 Player Y: 397.1111111111111 Collision with platform: true Hopefully you can help me, I've been bashing my head on it for hours now, and its starting to hurt! Thanks in advance
  9. I've recently released a non-commercial fan game called SWAT Kats - Running Kat which I've developed for swatkats.info using the Phaser game development framework. It's basically an endless runner using a subset of graphics and audio from the original game SWAT Kats - The Radical Squadron which has been released in 1995 for the Super-NES game console. It's not a remake but rather a reinterpretation having its own gameplay. The controls are kept as simple as possible such that I didn't need to implement too much platform-specific code. It has been tested on various desktops (PC and Mac), tablets and smart phones and is also compatible with the Madcatz Mojo game console. I hope that this game attracts some attention to swatkats.info and to the SWAT Kats cartoon show in general whose preproduction of the continuation has been funded on Kickstarter last year. Hope you folks enjoy playing it and feedback is very welcome. Link to the game: http://game.swatkats.info Link to swatkats.info: http://swatkats.info Link to the SWAT Kats Revolution Kickstarter campaign (funded August 22nd 2015): https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1820796125/swat-kats-revolution There's also a fan trailer video available for the game at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us7j12WSPf8 And lastly some screenshots of the game:
  10. Hello there. For my first Phaser game I want to create an endless runner. I want to be sure right from the start that everything I'm doing is done in the best possible way. I know there might be no straight / easy solutions, but I want to know your opinion, as my experience with Phaser is rather short (1 week). 1. Idea I'm having one big Phaser.Group called Platforms, which is called right in the main game and that group handles everything when it comes to the groups. Inside of Platforms you can spawn platform which is also a group. And that group (platform) has many instances of Ground, which is extension of the Phaser.Sprite // ground.js class Ground extends Phaser.Sprite { constructor(game, x, y, frame) { super(game, x, y, 'tileset', frame); const BODY_OFFSET = 3; this.game.physics.arcade.enable(this); this.anchor.setTo(0, 1); this.body.immovable = true; this.body.allowGravity = false; this.body.offset.y = BODY_OFFSET; this.body.height -= BODY_OFFSET; this.body.velocity.x = -this.game.global.speed; this.body.friction.x = 0; } } export default Ground; // platform.js import Ground from './ground'; class Platform extends Phaser.Group { constructor(game, { startX = 0, startY = game.height, width = game.width } = {}) { super(game, startX); this.settings = { startX, startY, width }; this.flags = { extended: false }; // Platform building loop // 1. Prepare variables let tileLevel = 1, tileFrame = 8; // Y axis for(let y = startY; y <= this.game.height + this.game.global.tileSize; y += this.game.global.tileSize) { // X axis tileLevel === 1 ? tileFrame = 8 : tileFrame = 1; for(let x = 0; x < width; x += this.game.global.tileSize ) { this.add(new Ground(this.game, x, y, tileFrame)); } tileLevel++; } } update() { // When off bounds - spawn another platform if ((this.centerX < this.game.width) && (!this.flags.extended)) { this.flags.extended = true; this.game.global.spawnPlatform.dispatch(this.right); } if(this.right < 0) { this.destroy(); } } } export default Platform; Every little piece of ground has the same velocity and settings. Player collision is checked based on platforms.children. For now I'm destroying platform when it goes off screen and calling global spawnPlatform function when middle of a platform is on the left border of the screen (to spawn it a little earlier). And here come my questions and ideas: 2. Ideas & questions Recently I've learned about Object pools. My platforms were done by doing some random numbers (width, height etc) but I've noticed that even with one platform performance goes dramatically down. I mean maybe not dramatically, but it's not a good sign. There was that "sawtooth" pattern on the memory section (DevTools). Here are my ideas: 2.1 Leave it as it is Platform spawns, platform goes off the screen, platform gets destroyed. 2.2 Generate many random platforms at the beginning, and then just re-use them At the beginning game would generate a big array of defined platforms, that would still be much-less random. When the platform goes off the screen it's not destroyed. Instead it's killed. But here comes my problem - you can't kill groups. Only sprites inside (Ground instances) could've been killed. But will it be really a better solution? Killing every ground, moving the platform out of 'living' array, and then when platform gets spawned revive them? 2.3 Generate object pool of Ground instances and use them as 'blocks' for platforms I think that's pretty much the same as 2.2, but maybe a little bit different. Creating big arrays of different types of blocks, and then using them to build platforms. I think like max 5 platforms will be visible at one moment on the screen so I wouldn't have to create many blocks. Platform goes off - Ground(s) get killed, group destroyed (?) Also before I end - on the screenshot you can see that sometimes the connections between tiles are visible. I don't think that's the spritesheet case. Maybe something with small delays between creating each platform? Not quite sure. Any ideas? Another problem lies in gaps between each platform. I guess that's caused by a delay between creating a platform and spawning it. I want to ensure I'm doing everything right from the beginning, so pardon me if I sound stupid or that's just silly question. Hopefully someone will be able to answer my question and help me out. Thanks for creating Phaser. Making games have always been my dream, but recently I was focused on the front-end development. Now I can combine those two
  11. Hi guys, We already posted about this game, but then it was only available as an Android version. Now it is available on the web and you can play it here: http://www.devaxgames.com/adventure-runners-game.html
  12. Hello guys. A few months ago I decided to start making html5 games. So I have been researching the best way of doing it and I decided to use Phaser for making html5 games. So after 2 months working with my teammate from high school we finally finished our first game. We would finish it in 3 weeks if we did not make graphic stuff. The game is fully made with Phaser, and we used Intel XDK for export on Android. Because of using a device aspect ratio for width and height the game is still not ready for the web, but soon it will be ready. , We still need to improve the game because it has a few little bugs . For slider on Player Select screen we have used Phase slider(https://github.com/netgfx/PhaseSlider). Description: Adventure Runners isendless running game where you draw a road for your player. In this game you will also have to watch for other traps that will be on your way. As you are passing more meters the game get's harder. Can you crack the game and get to 5000m? Play Game Trailer This is our first game... More games are coming soon....http://www.devaxgames.com/
  13. Is there tutorial, what is best way to make level/state change as non-portable way? I mean when level1 is completed, level2 comes direct to after level1, so it changes level without any loading or other fancy things.
  14. I've searched the Community Tutorials and I've Googled around, but I haven't been able to find a tutorial for an endless runner like Jetpack Joyride. I've seen the "Spring Ninja" tutorial but I am looking for something more complex. Specifically, I want to answer: How do I continuously load predefined tilemaps and unload them once they are off screen?Should I make the player traverse through the tilemap or make the tilemap move. Thank you for reading and helping. =)
  15. I'm looking for beta testers for my game called Catventures. Catventures is an endless runner game for the kids: "You are a cute kitty in amazing adventure away from home. When running in a field, kitty is catching up the butterflies and avoiding non-friendly dogs and other traps. Game control is easy, just touch the screen to jump: longer you touch, higher the cat jumps! There are hidden games in a game: catch a star or fish to play! How far you can run?" From beta testers I would like to receive feedback about bugs (there are bugs, I know some already) and the ideas how to improve the game. Here's beta gameplay demo in Youtube: Please join first to Catventures Google community:https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/107399757716487350157?cfem=1 Then you are able to download game from Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/net.rasteri.catventures If the link doesn't work, please PM your Google gmail address to me and I will add you to the Catventures Beta testers group. Game is made with Construct 2, build is done in Cocoon.io.
  16. I am passing tileScript in drawImage function on CanvasRenderingContext2D, gameplay - endless runner game like runfield, i am generating the track via tileScript and autoscrolling, i am passing tileScript object into the drawImage function to get sin-cos wave like effect (get the effect of up / down hill curves). but not getting the desired result.. http://www.creativeaddiction.co.uk/_site/view_full.html?d=display&f=bitmapdata+wobble.js&t=bitmapdata%20wobble any better way to do it ?
  17. Hi! I m working on a phaser project. I am not able to find a particular thing I m looking for. I m using tileScript to load a bg image repeatedly and autoscrolling. The game is endless runner I want the image to form the trail as per sine wave or random curves - up and down. So i might hav to use random Interpolations (beizer and others) to generate random curves. Unable to find anything relevant regards to forming the Image with curves (displaying tileScript with curves). i have looked at the sine wave filter. not getting the right output..output has to be like this - https://developer.cdn.mozilla.net/.../runfield.../index.html Any suggestions ?
  18. i just finished a follow-up game of "cool cows on ice" and want to present it to you. this game is an endless runner/slider with playservices integration. achievements and a leaderboard are providing a little bit of additional motivation i reused all the graphics form my former game. that way i could finish my idea really fast. i hope you like it (and if so i would be happy to see some (positive ) reviews ) here is the cheatsheet: here is the promo video: and here the link to the playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=clumsy.cow
  19. Hi! I just published my first game, Hopsop, on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.carljohanelger.hopsop Hopsop is an endless runner type game. It's easy to learn but difficult to master. Control Hopsop by tapping and dragging to aim, then release your finger to perform a jump. Pick as much tree fruit as you can while you climb upwards. If you pick enough, you will unlock new playable characters. Be fast, and be precise – because if you fall you will have to start all over again. It's built in HTML5/javascript using the Phaser framework and packaged with Cordova/Crosswalk. I wouldn't have been able to make it without this forum, where i've been lurking a lot Here's a gameplay video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1d4MvthH_f0 And here are some screen shots: Any suggestions, found bugs or other comments, please feel free below! Carl-Johan
  20. Getting a step closer to completing my game with some basic features and similarities to "Jetpack Joyride" Using 480x320 Aspect Ratio
  21. I've wanted to build an endless runner game forever now. I finally got around to making it and here it is. Its called Red Pants! Run! You're an 8-pixel red-pants-wearing-adventurer and you need to collect as many gold coins as you can without falling off the trippy ledges. Just press 'X' to jump. Avoid enemies as they will make you drop almost all your gold! You can play the game here - http://gamedolph.in/?p=292
  22. Hi, I usually don’t post about agency work, but we recently launched a game called “Pilot School” that I wanted to share. Launch Pilot School The game is a simple endless runner (flyer?). It was build around EaselJS and uses Box2D for the physics. It is also Web-App capable and switches to a “low-res” version if the display width is smaller than 960px. Enjoy, and let me know if you like it or not. Cheers, David
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