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  1. Hello I am back I have one issue with removing the Actions. The problem is : when I am trying remove the actions from actionManager it takes 2 - 3sec. you can see here : https://playground.babylonjs.com/#VZRN2V#10 I am trying to make sci-fi display for doors to player shoud open the locked doors. When player is close to the display then display shows up and then player is able to click on display. If player move away from display distance then display disappear and player unabel to click on display but in my exampel it works with delay. Where is the problem ?
  2. Hi guys ? I have one question about exported .babylon file. Is it posibel chagne alpha(transparency) of exported .babylon file? I want to make it slowly disepeat or sotmhig like that. When i change the aplha to 0 nothing happens. BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh("", "textures", "myObj.babylon", scene, function (newMeshes) { var myObj = newMeshes[0]; myObj.alpha = 0; } So I looked in the exported property whith console.log(myObj). BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh("", "textures", "myObj.babylon", scene, function (newMeshes) { var myObj = newMeshes[0]; console.log(myObj); } it shows me, that alpha is set NaN. And when I again change the alpha to 0 and looked in the property ... alpha was set 0 but again nothing happens. Why is like that ? Sorry for my bad english. ?
  3. Hello guys, I have troubles with showing shapes that have an opacity < 1 and which are behind a sprite that also has an opacity < 1. I attach a screenshot and here the playground As you can see the shapes behind the sprite disappear I tried differents options with material's shape such as : forceDepthWrite needDepthPrePass separateCullingPass zOffset But nothing works, and on the Sprite side we don't have a lot of parameters to play with. I wonder if it's not due to a kind of optimization of babylon to not drop down the render.
  4. Hello guys I have one issue . I unable to import meshes when i using Class () but everything works except for importing meshes. You can see my code here : class Player { constructor(scene) { this.scene = scene; this._skeleton; BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh("", "", "skull.babylon", this.scene, function (newMeshes, particleSystems, skeletons) { skull = newMeshes[0]; this._skeleton = skeletons[0]; skull.rotation.y= Math.PI; scene.beginAnimation(skeletons[0], 0, 501, true, 1) this.collider = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateBox("collider_box", .32, scene, false); this.collider.position.y = .151; this.collider.rotation.y = 0; this.collider.ellipsoid = new BABYLON.Vector3(0.155, 1.14, 0.155); this.collider.ellipsoidOffset = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1.0, 0); this.collider.isVisible = false; skull.parent= this.collider; }); } get mesh (){ return this.collider; } } Why is this didn't work ? It is becouse babylon-loaders doesn't support Class () or do I do something wrong ? Thank you in advance for your answers
  5. Hi, I'm having trouble getting QiCi to install/run. Successfully installed NodeJS - 9.9.0 After extracting the qiciengine-1.1.6.zip. Then running the start-win.bat file, prompt dialog quickly flashes on screen but I couldn't see what was displayed or have to to screen grab it. Also, the Chrome browser doesn't open the QiCi browser app as expected. Any help would be really appreciated. Initially had a lot of trouble downloading the qiciengine-1.1.6.zip. Kept getting errors, damaged or corrupt file... or something along those lines. Also, tried opening StartService.js via the command prompt, opens but still no result. Cheers --------------------------------------------------------- Windows 7 Professional (64-bit) Google Chrome - 65.0.3325.181
  6. OK, this is weird. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out why my image objects wasn't firing when I tapped on it (it works on desktop). After several tests I noticed that it happened that on mobile screen the clickable area was off of the image (displaced). I found that someone had a similar issue and figured that it had something to do with devicepixelratio when using Phaser.CANVAS. I couldn't test with Phaser.AUTO because my mobile throws a WebGL error when I try to use it. Any idea how to fix this issue? Thanks!
  7. I just ran into another issue with Phaser and I'd like to know if it's a known bug – and of course if there is a solution! I am trying to play sounds (mp3) with no success. The sound plays fine on my computer using Windows browser but the same code won't produce any sound on Opera Mobile Emulator or on my actual mobile (Samsung J2). I didn't try 'ogg' format because I searched online and found other people with the same problem and that have actually tried with no success. After several frustrated tests with my own code I tried the following Phaser examples: https://phaser.io/examples/v2/audio/loop https://phaser.io/examples/v2/audio/play-music Guess what... same issue: works on computer but not on Opera Emulator neither my mobile. Since I am writing this code specifically for mobiles this is a MUST for me that sounds play on them. Any clue? Below my code... var game = new Phaser.Game(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, Phaser.AUTO, 'test', { preload: preload, create: create }); var aExtensions = [ ]; var aExtensions = ['.png','.mp3']; var aTypes = ['img','snd']; var aAssets = ['door','knock']; function preload() { game.load.image(aAssets[0],aTypes[0]+'/'+aAssets[0]+aExtensions[0]); game.load.audio(aAssets[1],aTypes[1]+'/'+aAssets[1]+aExtensions[1]); } function create() { var gamegroup = game.add.group(); gamegroup.inputEnableChildren = true; window[aAssets[0]] = gamegroup.create(0,0, aAssets[0]); window[aAssets[1]+'snd']= game.add.audio(aAssets[1]); window[aAssets[0]].inputEnabled = true; window['lst'+aAssets[0]] = function (me) { knocksnd.play(); me.visible = false; } window[aAssets[0]].events.onInputUp.add(window['lst'+aAssets[0]], this); } Thanks!
  8. Im using 2.0 arcade physics for a platformer i'm making but my player keeps colliding with invisible overhead tiles , running through tiles ,and sinking into the floor. I've tried changing around numbers in my setCollisionBetween and setCollisionByExclusion but collision detection is all over the place. I never really ran into this problem with the earlier phasers. Its to the point where the game is kinda unplayable. The links below are to hastebin.com Here is my tilemap.json. I only want the player to collide with "ground"And here is my actual game code game.js is there anything i can do to fix this?
  9. Hey there! I am using the latest Phaser.js from the official website. I am creating a game that is supposed to be 640x480 in size. var game = new Phaser.Game(640, 480, Phaser.AUTO, '', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update }); But the final canvas that is being rendered is 800x600 in size, which would be correct according to my Windows DPI settings of 125% (640*1.25=800, 480*1.25=600). A resolution of 1280x720 will get scaled up to 1600x900 and as a result, everything will look blurred. The website itself is not zoomed in or enlarged in any way using Chrome. How do I disable this "feature"? I want to be able to control the size of the game.
  10. I am trying to create my first game with phaser but Im running into the issue of a blank white screen. I dont see any issue with my code and Im running a local server with wamp. Their isnt any errors in the console, but no matter what I change the code nothing will appear on the screen. Thank you for your help. main.js index.html
  11. Hi everyone. I'm creating a game with Phaser for a University project and I'm trying to use Flaxis'plugin slick-ui in my project (https://github.com/Flaxis/slick-ui). I'm struggling since hours trying to get it to work. I initialized the variable slickUI, containing the plugin SlickUI, like this (following the code of a preview posted by Flaxis). In my script in index.html: window.onload = function(){ var game = new Phaser.Game(960, 640, Phaser.CANVAS,'', { preload: preload}); //adding slickUI plugin var slickUI; function preload() { slickUI = game.plugins.add(Phaser.Plugin.SlickUI); slickUI.load('assets/kenney/kenney.json'); //directory where I put kenney.json } //... } As I run this code I get no error in the console log. I thought that var slickUI, exactly as var game, was a global variable so I could be able to use it in any other .js file, but I guess I'm wrong. I tried to use slickUI variable in a file called MainMenu.js file (which is a game state, that is called after Boot.js and Preloader.js), to create a panel to be visible. My code is this: Game.MainMenu = function(game) //crea uno stato di Game { }; //prototype Game.MainMenu.prototype = { create:function(game){ var panel; slickUI.add(panel = new SlickUI.Element.Panel(8, 8, 150, game.height - 16)); //these two lines I took from the example on github }, //... } But when I try to use the variable I instantiated in the index file, that is slickUI, I get the error on console log that variable "slickUI is not defined". I tried to define and use that variable as "this.slickUI", "game.slickUI", "this.game.slickUI" but none of these worked. I also tried to instantiate the plugin directly in the MainMenu.js, but it didn't work either. So, my question is: how do I get to instantiate/call the global variable slickUI which contains the plugin, in order to be able to use it in every other .js file in the project? Your help would be so appreciated.
  12. For a day or two i have this weird issue that i can't fix. I am making a map with interactive trees. When i click tree i want it to change its texture to chopped trees. class Tree { constructor(sprite, deadTexture){ this.sprite = sprite; this.health = 20; this.deadTexture = deadTexture; this.sprite.interactive = true; } chop(){ console.log("chop"); this.health = 0; this.sprite.texture = this.deadTexture; } } let tree = new Tree( new PIXI.Sprite(textures.treesTexture), textures.choppedTreesTexture ); /*...*/ tree.sprite.on('click', () => { console.log("chop"); tree.sprite.texture = textures.choppedTreesTexture; }); this part works almost fine. I attached a gif that explains what is wrong. I don't know what to do and i can't find any help. What is causing such behaviour? if you need some more information about code, please let me know.
  13. Hi Everyone! Hopefully someone can help with the issue I have faced. I am building a simple racing game and want to implement collision between car and other objects. I am using p2 physics. When I create primitive body objects (e.g. body.setRectangle) collision works fine, but when i use polygon (body.loadPolygon) i have created in PhysicsEditor the car just rides throw these objects without any collisions. I have tried building very simple objects to exclude "holes" in collide, creating collision groups but unfortunately any of these things helped. Attaching my code and a screenshot Car class: export default class extends Phaser.Sprite { constructor ({ game, x, y, asset }) { super(game, x, y, asset) game.physics.p2.enable(this, true) this.anchor.setTo(0.5) this.body.clearShapes() this.body.loadPolygon('physicsData', 'car') this.body.angle = -90 this.cursors = game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys() this.velocity = 0 } Obstacle code: create () { this.game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.P2JS) this.game.physics.p2.defaultRestitution = 0.8 this.map = this.game.add.tileSprite(0, 0, 2880, 1620, 'map') this.game.world.setBounds(0, 0, 8640, 4860) this.map.scale.setTo(3, 3) this.mapAbove = this.game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'race') this.game.physics.p2.enable(this.mapAbove, true) this.mapAbove.body.clearShapes() this.mapAbove.body.loadPolygon('physicsData', 'race') this.car = new Car({ game: this.game, x: 3800, y: 3750, asset: 'car' }) this.game.add.existing(this.car) this.game.camera.follow(this.car) } Also i am using this stuff as skeleton - https://github.com/lean/phaser-es6-webpack Could troubles be in incorrect packages? Looking forward for Your reply, Thanks!
  14. Hello, I'm doing a project with Phaser (v2.7.5) and I have some issues trying to play videos with Chrome on Android (58.0). I've tried with several different tablets, it does not seem the problem is related to the device. The same code is working on desktop (Chrome & Firefox) and on Firefox Android. This is basically my code : var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, '', { preload: preload, create: create}); function preload() { game.load.video('videodemo', 'video/reward.mp4'); } function create() { var videodemo = game.add.video('videodemo'); videodemo.addToWorld(game.height/2, game.width/2, 0.5, 0.5); videodemo.play(); } I've tried the following workaround, which I found on another topic. The video plays on Android if I test the code with codepen but for some reason it doesn't if I upload it on my own server. codepen.io/junov/pen/RgrxOB Any ideas ? Thanks
  15. I am using masks for eyes in my game. I have a black background for the eye and a white pupil. The white pupil uses the black background as a mask so that when the character blinks the pupil is hidden. The issue is that my white pupil is rendered grey (if i disable the mask the pupil is rendered white which is correct). I have looked at the alpha and it is set to 1 so it does not seem to be a transparency issue. Just wondering if anyone else has had into this issue?
  16. Hi Guys, The issue I'm having at the moment is with zooming and pinching a web page (pinching on laptops) with my game in it - causes the game to zoom in and therefore change the UI of the game. A demo can be seen here of the issue, simply zoom/scroll to see various bugs appear throughout the game once a new game has started: https://jamdonut.com/prod/0.8.2/ I can't seem to find just one solution for disabling zoom and pinch altogether on all browsers - am I missing something here? Any clues or tips, the renderer is PixiJS. Thanks, Jammy.
  17. Hello, I'm creating a game composed by a map (created with Tiled) and, at the bottom, a menu with a list of building. The list of building is draggable horizontaly (to see all buildings). To drag all buildings at the same time I add all the buiding's sprite in a graphics component. I also put a black background with alpha to 0.25. Every component has a fixedOnCamera to true. Here is my BuildingMenu class TypeScript code: public static create(game: Phaser.Game) { let background = game.add.graphics(0, 0); background.beginFill(0x000000, 0.25); background.drawRect(0, game.height - 64, game.width , 64); background.endFill(); background.fixedToCamera = true; let buildings = ["building1", "building1"....]; let bounds = new Phaser.Rectangle(-game.width / 2, game.height - 64, game.width, 64); this.buildingsGroup = game.add.graphics(0, game.height - 64); buildings.forEach((building, index) => { let spriteBuilding = game.add.sprite(index * (64 + 2), 0, building.getName()); spriteBuilding.width = 64; spriteBuilding.height = 64; spriteBuilding.fixedToCamera = true; //this.buildingsGroup.addChild(spriteBuilding); }); this.buildingsGroup.width = game.width; this.buildingsGroup.height = 64; this.buildingsGroup.inputEnabled = true; this.buildingsGroup.input.allowHorizontalDrag = true; this.buildingsGroup.input.allowVerticalDrag = false; this.buildingsGroup.input.enableDrag(false, false, false, 100, bounds); this.buildingsGroup.fixedToCamera = true; } public static update(game: Phaser.Game) { game.camera.y += 1 } My problem is when I uncomment the line "this.buildingsGroup.addChild(spriteBuilding)" item are affected by the camera but can be dragged of course. The background is not affected.... I can't figure out why... Can anybody help?
  18. I've recently been coding an infinite runner game in which the player is allowed to attack freely as they encounter obstacles and enemies. this being said, there is various objects that use collisions and physics bodies for collision detection and i have tried everything i have found to render the debug boxes to no avail. Attack = function() { Phaser.Sprite.call(this, game, player.x + 15, player.y, 'Attack'); game.add.existing(this); game.physics.enable(this, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); this.animations.add('attack'); this.animations.play('attack', 8, false, true); this.body.setSize(50, 80, 30, 0); this.body.allowGravity = false; this.body.immovable = true; game.time.events.add(Phaser.Timer.SECOND * attackSpeed, setAttack, this); curAtk = this; }; //these set the variable 'Objects' Attack.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Sprite.prototype); Attack.prototype.constructor = Enemy; //this checks conditions specific for the Attack Object made through the class every update. Attack.prototype.update = function() { this.x = player.x + 15; this.y = player.y; this.game.debug.bodyInfo(this); }; here is specifically the attacking object spawn which spawns the attack object, and on the last line of actual code i try to call the debug information to render. I'm not sure that this is the way to do it, but i have added the "render: render" to my game initialization and tried to call the code in that as well plus using the references within the examples as well and i cannot for the life of me figure out why the body's are not debugging allowing me to fine tune the desired collision areas. Any thoughts or ideas are welcome. if more code is needed of what i have i can upload my JS files. Also a quick note, there are no error messages. and everything runs as expected aside from the debugging aspect and proper hit-box areas.
  19. hey guys I'm currently after completing a tutorial at http://zenva.com . I have been working on my knowledge with phaser. anyways, after finishing the tutorial i decided to polish the game. I am new to the localstorage api and was looking for some help. here is my code for the highscore. it currenly doesnt work with localstorage and im not sure why. Any help is much appreciated init: function(score) { var score = score || 0; localStorage.setItem("score", this.highestScore); this.highestScore = this.highestScore = localStorage.getItem("score"); this.highestScore = Math.max(score, this.highestScore); if(this.highestScore === null) { localStorage.setItem("score", "0") this.highestScore = localStorage.getItem("score"); } }, Here is the full file. Just incase its needed var SpaceHipster = SpaceHipster || {}; //title screen SpaceHipster.MainMenu = function(){}; SpaceHipster.MainMenu.prototype = { init: function(score) { var score = score || 0; localStorage.setItem("score", this.highestScore); this.highestScore = this.highestScore = localStorage.getItem("score"); this.highestScore = Math.max(score, this.highestScore); if(this.highestScore === null) { localStorage.setItem("score", "0") this.highestScore = localStorage.getItem("score"); } }, create: function() { //show the space tile, repeated this.background = this.game.add.tileSprite(0, 0, this.game.width, this.game.height, 'space'); //give it speed in x this.background.autoScroll(0, 10); //start game text var text = "Tap to begin"; var style = { font: "30px Arial", fill: "#fff", align: "center" }; var t = this.game.add.text(this.game.width/2, this.game.height/2, text, style); t.anchor.set(0.5); //highest score text = "Highest score: "+this.highestScore; style = { font: "15px Arial", fill: "#fff", align: "center" }; var h = this.game.add.text(this.game.width/2, this.game.height/2 + 50, text, style); h.anchor.set(0.5); }, update: function() { if(this.game.input.activePointer.justPressed()) { this.game.state.start('Game'); } } };
  20. pheaset


    Hey I am currently polishing off my Breakout or Brick-Breaker game (whichever you prefer to call it). I am trying to add music to the game when the start button is pressed and then sound effects every time a brick is destroyed. Unfortunately Phaser keeps saying Key "Sample" is not found in cache. I have tried using Phasers examples and basing the music off that but to no avail. I am new to programming with Phaser and would really appreciate the help. When the game is finished i will post a link. Thanks in Advance Pheaset here is my code var game = new Phaser.Game(480, 320, Phaser.AUTO, null, { preload: preload, create: create, update: update }); var firework;; var music = Phaser.Sound; var lives = 1; var livesText; var lifeLostText; var ball; var paddle; var bricks; var newBrick; var brickInfo; var scoreText; var score = 0; var playing = false; var startButton; function preload() { game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL; game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true; game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true; game.stage.backgroundColor = '#eee'; game.load.image('ball', 'ball.png'); game.load.image('paddle','paddle.png'); game.load.image('brick', 'img/brick.png') game.load.spritesheet('ball', 'img/wobble.png', 20, 20); game.load.spritesheet('button','button.png', 120, 40); game.load.audio('Good-Riddance', 'Good-Riddance.mp3'); } function create() { game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); startButton = game.add.button(game.world.width*0.5, game.world.height*0.5, 'button', startGame, this, 1, 0, 2); startButton.anchor.set(0.5); music = game.add.audio('Good-Riddance') this.music = this.add.audio("Good-Riddance") this.game.sound.setDecodedCallback(["Good-Riddance"]); if(playing === true) { music.play() }else{ music.mute = false; }
  21. I need help. I was following a tutorial online for the Phaser States, and I did everything right (I think), but obviously, I've made some changes myself to fit to what I kind of want. Here is the code: var loadState = { preload: function() { // Load the BG Images (Before so we can have an awesome looking loading screen) game.load.image('redPlanet', '././assets/images/redplanet.png'); game.load.image('spaceBG', '././assets/images/spaceBG.png'); // Preload the one character we need to look awesome! game.load.image('scavenger', '././assets/images/Scavenger.png'); // Add the loading label and the character, so the player doesn't think the game crashed. var background = game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'spaceBG'); background.scale.setTo(0.6); var character = game.add.sprite(80, 150, 'scavenger'); var loadingLabel = game.add.text(0, 0, 'Loading...', {font: '30px Courier', fill: '#fff'}); loadingLabel.alignTo(character, Phaser.RIGHT_CENTER, 16); // Load the Planet Images game.load.image('planet1', '././assets/images/Planet1.png'); game.load.image('planet2', '././assets/images/Planet2.png'); game.load.image('planet3', '././assets/images/Planet3.png'); game.load.image('planet4', '././assets/images/Planet4.png'); game.load.image('planet5', '././assets/images/Planet5.png'); game.load.image('planet6', '././assets/images/Planet6.png'); game.load.image('planet7', '././assets/images/Planet7.png'); game.load.image('planet8', '././assets/images/Planet8.png'); game.load.image('planet9', '././assets/images/Planet9.png'); game.load.image('planet10', '././assets/images/Planet10.png'); game.load.image('planet11', '././assets/images/Planet11.png'); game.load.image('planet12', '././assets/images/Planet12.png'); game.load.image('planet13', '././assets/images/Planet13.png'); game.load.image('planet14', '././assets/images/Planet14.png'); // Load the pause button game.load.image('pauseButton', '././assets/images/pauseButton.png'); } create: function() { game.state.start('menu'); } } And that is not all. Every single one of my state files has an error that says: Expected '}' to match '{' from line 1 and instead saw 'create'. Missing Semi-Colon. Unrecoverable Syntax Error (93% Scanned) Please help me, as this was going to be the way I made my game because I really like how organized states are!
  22. Hello, I just encountered the following issue. In two different games I am using two ways of updating the game time shown in the UI - a timer and a timed event. I've just discovered that changing the PC's clock by -1 hour (say it's 10:00 AM, I roll it back to 9:00 AM) causes the updating to stop. This issue is not present if I roll the clock forward (from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM). I found a way around this by using setInterval and clearInterval, but I'd like to know if a Phaser internal fix or workaround exists, or maybe if I need to do something differently. Here is the case when using a timer: private startTimer(): void { this.gameTime = 0; this.timer = this.game.time.create(); this.timer.loop(Phaser.Timer.SECOND, () => { this.updateTime(); }, this); this.timer.start(); }; And here is the case when using a timed event in the second game: this.timeElapsed = 0; this.game.time.events.loop(Phaser.Timer.SECOND, () => { this.updateTimer(); }, this); Both calls are made in the play state's create function. This is on a Windows 10 PC.
  23. I cant figure out how i would be able to add a function as a child, the function spawns items at the top of the screen and then they fall to the bottom where they will be killed. But if i add a background the items spawn behind that background. i cant figure out how they will be able to spawn infront of the background any help would be greate! Here im trying to add the items as a child Potato.SpawnPotato = this.mainBackground.addChild(game.potato); And this is the code which holds game.potato Potato.item = { spawnPotato: function(game){ game.world.enableBody = false; game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE) game.physics.arcade.gravity.y = 200; var dropPos = Math.floor(Math.random()*650); var dropOffSet = [-27, -36, -36, -38, -48]; var potatoType = Math.floor(Math.random()*5); var potato = game.add.sprite(dropPos, dropOffSet[potatoType], 'FallingPotato'); potato.animations.add('anim', [potatoType], 10, true); potato.animations.play('amim'); game.physics.enable(potato, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); potato.inputEnabled = false; potato.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); potato.rotateMe = (Math.random()*4)-2; game._potatoGroup.add(potato); potato.checkWorldBounds = true; potato.events.onOutOfBounds.add(this.removePotato, this) }, removePotato: function(potato){ potato.kill(); } }
  24. I'm using GameMaker: Studio, and currently facing a problem with sound in Mobile Native HTML5 browser, Sound is Working in PC browsers, like FireFox, EDGE(Internet Explorer), but not working in Mobile Native Browsers, i have tested it in my Android and Windows Phone, Any help would be really Appreciated,
  25. I am having issues making webstorm to work with phaser.io. I have made an empty project, created an html5 (index.html) file. I added the phaser.js and app.ts (basically app.js) to the index.html. I also added the ts files for phaser to work in typescript (phaser.d.ts, pixi.d.ts, and so on). When I try to edit app.ts, it says it cannot find phaser.js but it finds phaser.d.ts fine. When i load it anyways, it cannot find package.json. I know my typescript is working properly because it generates an js file where the ts file is located. How do i make phaser to work with webstorm? I have looked on the part for webstorm section and it only has a little blerp about webstorm is a good choice for phaser. I want to get into phaser.io game development but I cannot because I have no idea how to make it work. I looked online for videos and their was one but he didn't really show how to add phaser to webstorm properly. Any help on this would be helpful. -Shmelly
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