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  1. Hi, I hope you are doing well! It is with joy that I share with you the game GravytX The Gravytoid! (The game should have been released 4 years earlier but due to some technical constraints it was delayed!) Trailer (Click on the image below): About the game: Play as GravytX an alien who has the ability to control objects remotely and manipulate gravity. Travel the universe to save the peoples who are under the domination of the Vodouas (Malicious beings who want to conquer the universe) and bring peace to their Planets. • Here are some surprises that await you on your travels: - Several Planets to discover - Diverse and fun levels - Gameplay mechanics unique to each Planet - Fun puzzles to solve - Multiple Bosses and Mini-bosses to challenge! - And many other things to discover (We are not going to reveal everything to you anyway!) • Note that the game supports Gamepads! Get ready to experience adventures beyond human understanding! Game link: Web (HTML 5) version Have fun and have a nice day!
  2. https://bmarcelus.github.io/JimothyPiggerton/ Jimothy Piggerton is a platformer where you save your pet Pig instead of a princess. It was made in pure javascript with no libraries.
  3. Hello guys, how can I control the download event with a gamepad? I just want an action while pressing the button. To do the same action, I'm going to press the button again. I need this action, but with a gamepadd button. Tahnk you all (Phaser.Input.Keyboard.JustDown(cursors.up) //the gamepad pad = this.input.gamepad.getPad(0);
  4. Hi! First post here. I'm currently experimenting with the gamepad API and I'm trying to capture the motion/orientation of my dualshock 3 to build controls for a new game project. I was wondering if anyone had manage such a thing and managed to make it work in the browser? It seems that WebVR makes use of the motion data using the gamepad.pose object and so far I've been unlucky to reach it on a regular controller. Has anyone managed such a thing and could help? Thank you!
  5. Hello, I'm attempting to implement support in my scene for navigating with a 3dconnexion spacenavigator, which has 6 axes. I can see it successfully registers as a gamepad, and can see four of the six axes bound to the "leftStick" and "rightStick" attributes, however I of course need the extra two axes. I thought about creating a new `3dConnexionGamepad extends BABYLON.Gamepad` class, however I can't think of a way to get the `GamepadManager` to create an instance of my custom class. Is this possible? If not is there a workaround like mabye binding to the `.update()` method of the gamepad instance?
  6. Ohayo! Description: Currently in my free time i'm working on crysis-like 2D shooter game prototype about aliens invasion (events between Crysis 2 and Crysis 3) and specialy trained humans in new version of nanosuit (less power of Prophet suit but more soldiers gets it). It will be multiplayer arena shooter, but for now i'm focusing on singleplayer training mission gameplay, and after i complete with fixing prototype with players feedback i'll start working on the core of the game which is multiplayer arena part. Game works smoothly on Google Chrome (game optimisation for Firefox is on future todo list) and was designed for gamepads (PlayStation and Xbox), but you can play with mouse and keyboard too. Right now aliens are very strong so gameplay is focused on tactics and hide&seek more than just running around and shooting everything you see ;P It runs on mobile too but there is no virtual controls (it's on future todo list) so don't ask me for it now Right now i'm asking you guys to tell me how does controls feels and how much time you had to play to destroy all 4 alien bases (big green dots on minimap, you can kill them only with 2 grenade shots per base :P). Play Online (please, use Chrome): http://soulhunter.psichix.io Tech used: - Oxygen Core (my html5 game engine toolset based on best Unity and Godot concepts mixed with latest best html5 apis); - ES7 with babel transpiler; - Webpack for game bundling and live development; I don't know what i should say more about techs, because everything that is there, it is those 3 things If you're interrested in something more about tech, and i will be happy to tell everything you ask ------ BTW. I want to publish topic/article about game engine used here - which subforum should i use to place that kind of topic?
  7. Can anybody explain me how can I setup VRDeviceOrientationArcRotateCamera with gamepad controller. Is this already done or not? How can we attach gamepad with VRDeviceOrientationArcRotateCamera? Greetings Ian
  8. Im quite a newbie to Phaser, I have followed the first game tutorial and adapted it slightly by adding gamepad controls. It works fine on my desktop browsers (chrome and edge both at 60fps) but the controls seem a little laggy when I test it on the xbox one edge browser on my console. I added an fps counter to check if performance was generally worse on xbox but it reports a constant 63fps, and yet the button timings are definitely off. Perhaps the framerate being over 60 is an issue, but I'm not sure. Has anyone had a similar issue or could suggest a fix? I'm running the link below directly to the edge browser on the console, tried setting phaser to both AUTO and CANVAS, but still the same controller lag. https://lwojas.github.io/game-project-xbox/ And here's a link to the game code: https://github.com/lwojas/game-project-xbox/blob/master/scripts/game-script.js
  9. My Phaser.js version: `v2.6.2 "Kore Springs"` Gamepad: generic Logitech Dual Action controller OS: OSX Sierra Browser: Chrome Update: I can confirm that this also occurs with an XBOX 360 controller. Also see @Cyclone112's comments below for more troubleshooting info. I'm adding gamepad support to my current project, and am encountering the following error when disconnecting the gamepad from the USB input: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'timestamp' of undefined at c.SinglePad.pollStatus (phaser.js:43607) at c.Gamepad.update (phaser.js:43003) at c.Gamepad.reset (phaser.js:43169) at c.Input.reset (phaser.js:37282) at c.Game.gameResumed (phaser.js:36532) at c.Stage.visibilityChange (phaser.js:31966) at HTMLDocument._onChange (phaser.js:31905) This happens regardless of whether or not I register `onDisconnectCallback` to the gamepad. May also be worth mentioning that I encounter the error when disconnecting from this example: https://phaser.io/examples/v2/input/gamepad-buttons If the Github issue tracker would be a more appropriate place for this, I can post there instead. Any recommendations for a workaround would be great. Thanks!
  10. Hi everyone! Just wanted to share a small proof-of-concept game I've been working on for a while. It's called The monster's vault. The main goal is to find a way out of a dark creepy dungeon, pull a lever that opens the exit door, while not being caught by a wandering monster that dwells in the darkness, and bla-bla-bla... the whole point here is not about gameplay anyway. This game is inspired by Keith Clark's demo of an HL2 location made entirely by CSS 3d transforms. I tried to repeat his approach by making a browser 3d game with first-person view based on CSS transforms without any use of canvas graphics. My other goal was to try out a number of modern web technologies and APIs available in the browser, so here's what I came out with. ReactJS as a rendering framework and Redux as a game state manager. Kind of a questionable choice for a game, one may think, but hey, as I said, it's a proof-of-concept WIP demo pet home project =) Pointer lock events to control the cursor so that it cannot flow out of the screen. Gamepad api to support my Xbox One gamepad. I haven't been more happy when it actually worked (not sure about other controllers though). Web audio api to control the sounds and the music. It provides a way to place a sound in a 3d space and even make it spread in a certain direction, and that's really awesome. Using your headphones while playing is highly recommended. Service worker makes the game work offline as it caches all the resources after the first load. It can get annoying though, when you start facing the problems with invalidating the cache. I also tried out the svg lighting filters to simulate some shaders on the textures (set on highest graphics quality value in the Settings section). It looks neat but drops the fps dramatically. Some conclusions: declarative 3d graphics with CSS 3d transforms and animations are cool and relatively easy to use, but not performant enough (which is totally fine) modern browsers have some really great APIs helpful for creating various web games making horror games is a huge, huge fun PLEASE NOTE: The monster's vault is only a desktop game and is viewed best in latest Google Chrome. It is inconceivably untested and may not work as expected on most machines and browsers. Some of the technologies used here are still not standardized and may break in the future. Also, the code is not optimised in any way, it weights some MBs. The low rendering FPS is compensated by the high cooler's RPS =) Anyway, I warned you. The game's github repo with some gifs, controls and credits — https://github.com/alvov/the-monsters-vault-game. You can play the game here: https://alvov.github.io/the-monsters-vault-game. Thanks!
  11. I'm currently building a two player platform-shooting game that supports controllers. Right now I have two separate move functions placed in the update that handles player movement. Here's the code: movePlayer1: function () { if (!player.alive) return ; //controller input if(this.pad1.axis(Phaser.Gamepad.XBOX360_STICK_LEFT_X)< -0.1){ this.player_1.body.velocity.x = -300; //move left this.player_1.animations.play('left'); } if(this.pad1.axis(Phaser.Gamepad.XBOX360_STICK_LEFT_X)>0.1){ this.player_1.body.velocity.x = 300; //move right this.player_1.animations.play('right'); } if(this.pad1.justPressed(Phaser.Gamepad.XBOX360_A)&& this.player_1.body.onFloor() ){ this.player_1.body.velocity.y = -999; //jump } this.player_1.weapon.fireAngle = -(90 + 90 * -this.pad1.axis(Phaser.Gamepad.XBOX360_STICK_RIGHT_X)); if(this.pad1.isDown(Phaser.Gamepad.XBOX360_RIGHT_TRIGGER)||this.pad1.justPressed(Phaser.Gamepad.XBOX360_RIGHT_BUMPER)) { this.player_1.weapon.fire(); } }, movePlayer1: function () { //player 2 controller if(game.input.gamepad.supported && game.input.gamepad.active && game.input.gamepad.pad2.connected) { this.indicator2.animations.frame = 0; } else { this.indicator2.animations.frame = 1; } if(this.pad2.axis(Phaser.Gamepad.XBOX360_STICK_LEFT_X)< -0.1){ this.player_2.body.velocity.x = -300; this.player_2.animations.play('left'); } if(this.pad2.axis(Phaser.Gamepad.XBOX360_STICK_LEFT_X)>0.1){ this.player_2.body.velocity.x = 300; this.player_2.animations.play('right'); } if(this.pad2.justPressed(Phaser.Gamepad.XBOX360_A)&& this.player_2.body.onFloor() ){ this.player_2.body.velocity.y = -999; } this.player_2.weapon.fireAngle = -(90 + 90 * -this.pad1.axis(Phaser.Gamepad.XBOX360_STICK_RIGHT_X)); if(this.pad2.isDown(Phaser.Gamepad.XBOX360_RIGHT_TRIGGER)||this.pad2.justPressed(Phaser.Gamepad.XBOX360_RIGHT_BUMPER)){ this.player_2.weapon.fire(); } } , I feel that this isn't the best way to code for two player movement. What would you do differently?
  12. Ever wonder what would happen if your gamepad's buttons came to life? Join square in his adventures, save Hexagon and Trapezoid from the hands of Evil Pen! Bad Pad is platformer game mixed with a little arcading, shooting, puzzle solving and metroidvania elements, that being said it is still a platformer, so expect a lot of jumping and fair amount of dying along the way. Bad Pad is available for Early Access on Steam now! Devblog, free demo, media kit and more can be found here.
  13. Hi all, Check out my web game "Move the Crates". Developed using pixi.js. Game play is similar to "Sokoban". Game is also optimized to work with gamepad. You can play the game here, https://labrat.mobi/games/move_the_crates/ Some screenshots: Here is the video of the game working in XBOX One browser,
  14. The gamepad attachControl uses: new BABYLON.Gamepads((pad: BABYLON.Gamepad) => { this.onGamepadConnected(pad); }); but this.onGamepadConnected ONLY gets fired ONCE per browser session... If you refresh the page page it never gets fired thus the game pad no longer works... If i totally close down the browser and restart it works again because new instance of browser... What can we do about that???
  15. Hello everyone! Is there any way to send a signal to gamepad to make it vibrate? A greeting!
  16. Hi! In my game you can play with a keyboard and a gamepad. With keyboard I can pause the game and execute other actions, for example can I unpause the game. However with the gamepad the player can pause the game but can not execute actions buttons gamepad with the game on pause. //pause this.actionControls.pauseKey.onDown.add(utils.pauseMenu, this); this.actionControls.pausePad.onDown.add(utils.pauseMenu, this); //utils.pauseMenu unpause the game if the game on pause Any help? A greeting!
  17. Hi I am using this plugin to implement gamepad support to my ouya/android game: https://github.com/ansimuz/BitWars/blob/master/lib/plugins/gamepad.js It works great but the problem is that only player 1 works and I want the game to be controlled by any connected gamepad, is there anything I can edit so that the plugin ignores the controller (i.e. player1 or player2...). So that a button on each connected controller will trigger the 'jump' for example.
  18. Solved.
  19. Hi Everybody, I recently started a dev blog about a new game I am working on, I will be posting to it at least once a week. First playable alpha is available on the blog, enjoy! Check it out: Avishaymizrav.com
  20. Hi guys, for my game I want to support game pads in my Phaser 2.4.4 game. So far so good, the pad is working. But, if I change the tab for example and than go back to my game, the pad is not responsive anymore. Also I don't get a Disconnect event. So looks like Phaser 2.4.4 still thinks there is a pad or the pads push data dosent arrives the game anymore. I also tested several game pad and all have the same problem. So, is there already a solution for that problem? bye Tom
  21. I've been experimenting with using an Xbox One controller to play my game and while it works fine in Chrome, I noticed justPressed wasn't working on Edge (Haven't tried other methods). I'm trying to run my game on my Xbox but I can usually only press one button before anymore input stops registering. As I mentioned, if I test my game on Chrome on a desktop with the controller, things work fine. I didn't notice any obvious errors in the console either.
  22. questioning whether or not to use Pixi? Just remember that the upper limit of a technology is an interplay of the technology itself and the user. I'm by no means the greatest programmer but with some help from the right people and the right technology, awesome things can be achieved: The above demo for our next game (Lux) is done 100% in browser with pixi Better yet, a gamepad is being used to spin the camera! The final product will not be done in html5 (or at least, not only html5), as there would currently be some platform restrictions on it being in html5. Just wanted to share some Pixi eye-candy and hopefully inspiration to thoroughly explore your possibilities (especially as html5 and webgl support becomes more prevalent)
  23. Hi, I am curious if anyone has used the GamePad to do any type of menu navigation? I would like to be able to support the menu fully with the GamePad just curious if anyone else has done this and has some tips. I am currently using DOM elements for my menu but I am happy to do whatever works best for BabylonJS. Thanks, Matt
  24. Hey guys I'm trying to get a function to be called each time the gamepad is released. I think I need to use the function addCallbacks() and the property onUpCallback from the Gamepad class. I have Gamepad called pad1 and a function test() that should be called every time any gamepad button is released, but not really sure how callbacks work/correct syntax. Thanks for your help.
  25. Hello! I am totally new to both phaser and game development, but have been working with friends to build a 2D sidescroller using ninja physics. I cannot get the gamepad to work, and all the examples I see for the gamepad on the phaser site seem to be non-functional as well. We are using a custom build of phaser to include ninja physics, and all my code is here: https://github.com/sallykingston/castleDash. I can get the pad to show up, but the buttons just do nothing. I was following this example, but now I feel silly for that, since it doesn't seem to work, either: http://phaser.io/examples/v2/input/gamepad-buttons. Can anyone point me to a working example of a phaser gamepad with ninja physics, or just a general direction for getting this working? Thank you!!
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